29- Everything makes sense

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"Chase!" Josie hisses.

I nearly drop the entire stack of books.

"What?" I ask, setting the encyclopedias down on the cart.

"The cute guy is here!" She whispers.

Josie can't exactly whisper so it's always entertaining when she tries to be discreet about something but ends up failing.

"Who?" I ask, sighing.

"You know, the tall blonde one. The one that looks like a model," Josie elaborates.

"Thanks," I hear Asher chuckle. "I might try modeling."

I feel a smile stretch across my lips at the fact that he is here and because I get to truly learn about him today.

"Anyways, Josephine, could I be directed to Chase?" He asks.

Josie tells him where I am.

"Hey, sunshine," Asher greets me, walking into the aisle that I'm in.

I make a face at the nickname.

"Didn't your shift end a while ago?" He asks, cocking his head slightly to the side.

"Yeah, but a shelf broke earlier so I'm transferring all the books," I explain.

"Want some help?"

"Yes, please."

I lead him to the middle of the library where one of the shelves completely collapsed in on itself.

"Oh boy," Asher lets out a low whistle when he sees the shelf. "How did that even happen?"

I snicker. "This lady was sitting on it and she went crashing down like timber. It was the highlight of my day."

Asher shakes his head with a laugh.

"She was being rude the entire time, so it worked out," I elaborate with a shrug.

"What'd she say?"

"We have an aisle of magazines and obviously there's some controversial ones. She kept ranting about society the entire time she was in here. The thing that was annoying was how she would follow me everywhere. I needed to pee and she stood right outside the stall. Also she went on a rant about how everyone deserves equality and then told me that trans people don't deserve equality."

"What a bitch," Asher says.

"In conclusion...she deserved that fall."

"She definitely did, but did she hurt herself because y'all could get sued for that."

My eyes widen. "Shit."

"I already called Leanna! She knows what happened!" Josie calls from the counter.

I let out a sigh of relief. Leanna is our manager and she's super lenient and understanding as long as she is aware of what's happening.

"Let's get this sorted out before we go on our da—hang out. Before we hang out," Asher says, nervously chuckling.

I raise and eyebrow before bending down and placing two encyclopedias in his hands.

"She has to break this one?" Asher sighs. "She couldn't have broken the magazines or picture books. She had to break the shelf for encyclopedias and dictionaries."

I nod in agreement, picking up some more books.

About an hour later, all the books are on different shelves and we cleaned up the broken bits and pieces of wood.

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