8- Secret Admirer

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Why are there roses and letters sticking out of my locker?

Yeah sure it's Valentines Day, but that is not normal for me.

I pick up one of the roses and read the paper that is around the stem.

You have gorgeous eyes.

I scoff. My eyes are pitch black.

I pick up another.

Your laugh is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

If you're into seal noises and squeaks, then sure it's beautiful.

Your smile is enough to light up the town

Again, not true, but it is sweet.

"What's popping, Ryder?" Asher asks, slamming my locker shut.

I gasp. "You squished the roses!"

I shove him aside and open my locker to find two of the roses completely squashed.

I sigh and read the papers on them.

I like it when you smile, it's cute.

The second flower is snatched out of my hand.

"There's a whole galaxy in your eyes." Asher reads the slip of paper out loud. "What kind of cheesy fucker write this?"

I grab my flower back and smile.

Some people are so sweet.

"Oh I have a good pick up line!" Asher says. "Hey, girl, are you a squirrel because I would love to store my nuts in your hole."

And then there's Asher.

"You are so perverted," I tell him.

"I know. It's a gift," he replies with a grin. "What's that letter say?"

I look at where he's pointing in my locker.

There's a navy blue envelope that says "Important" in white writing.

I pull it out and open it. There's a short letter in it.

Dear Chase,
I know you're probably in a lot of confusion right now and that's totally okay. If you want to know who this is, come to the football fields at 7:30 tonight. I'll be waiting, beautiful.
~ Love, your secret admirer❤️

Which unfortunate soul is my secret admirer?

I do want to meet this poor kid, though.

Am I too early? I glance down at my phone and sigh. Just on time but there's no one here.

"Chase? Is that you?" A familiar voice calls out.


"What are you doing out here?" She asks.

"I'm supposed to meet my secret admirer," I tell her, as we both walk closer to each other. "What about you?"

"Same reason, actually. I got a letter today," She holds up a maroon envelope.

"Me too! Mine was blue, though."

We hear footsteps and our eyes widen.

"Chase, this is how we die," Jess says, grabbing my arm.

I push her in front of me. "You're going to be my sacrifice. I still haven't traveled the world yet!"

"Wow, so better me than you?" Jess asks with a pout.

"Exactly," I say.

"Hey girls," A voice sad.

Jess shrieks and starts running.

I'm not sure where, but she's running pretty fast.

"Wow, Micheal, you got a runner," A boy says.

I start to back up. "Who the hell are you people?"

"Is that Chase?" I hear one of them ask.

They're facing a way so that I can't see their features in the dark.

A bright light gets shined in my face. Directly in my eyes.

"Yup, that's Chase," The voice says again as I go blind. "You should go and get Jess while I deal with her."

"Can you first turn the light off and then tell me who you are?" I ask.

"Shit, sorry," The person says and the flashlight turns off. They step out into view and stand in front of me.

"Wait, I know you," I say, peering at the boy in front of me. "We've had some classes together. Evan, right?"

"That would be me," He says with a grin.

Evan's one of the skater boys at our school and he doesn't exactly have the best reputation, but he's been pretty nice to me.

Despite all that, why is he meeting me?

"Are you the secret admirer?" I blurt out.

"Yup," Evan flashes me another grin. "I think you're gorgeous Chase. I want to take you out some time. What do you say? Saturday night, you and me on a date?"

The word slips out of my mouth before I can control it.



School's so stressful and I wanna cry.

Thanks for reading :)


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