54- Two Million

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"Alright, Mrs.Bradley? Your son is done," The nurse announces.

Jenny stands up and gestures for me to follow her.

"Momma!" Asher greets his mom with a huge smile once we enter the room.

"Hey, sweetheart," Jenny greets him.

"Chase!" Asher smiles so widely that the gauze in his mouth falls out and lands on his t-shirt. He watches it before looking at the nurse. "Oops." He picks it back up and tries to put in his mouth again.

"Ash, give it," I say, holding my hand out for some reason.

Instead of giving me the dirty gauze, my boyfriend opens his mouth and drops the other gauze in my hand.

The nurse sighs and puts new pieces of gauze in Asher's mouth before taking the old ones and throwing them away.

"You can wash your hands over there," She tells me, pointing to the sink.

"Momma," Asher mumbles to Jenny as I wash my hands. "I'm going to marry Chase and we're going to have a million kids."

Jenny covers her laugh with a cough. "A million?"

"No! 2 million," Asher corrects her.

I dry my hands and walk back to my boyfriend who looks like an adorable chipmunk.

"Shh, don't tell her," Asher says to Jenny.

"Okay, honey," Jenny says, ruffling his hair. "I'm going to go talk to the doctor real quick and then we can go."

"Okay," Asher says as Jenny leaves the room.

The nurse tells us that she'll also be back in a minute and leaves as well.

"How do you feel, baby?" I ask my boyfriend.

"I'm tired," He says.

I kiss his forehead. "You can sleep in the car if you want."

"You're pretty," He says, his voice muffled by the gauze. "Am I dating you?"

"Thank you and yes, you are."

"Wow," He says spitting out the gauze again.

The nurse walks in and sighs. "You need to stop doing that, young man."

"I'm not a young man!" Asher insists, blood filling his mouth.

I wince as the nurse grabs some stuff to clean him up.

"She's my girlfriend," Asher tells the nurse.

"Really?" She asks, giving me a smile.

"Yeah. Isn't she pretty?"

"She sure is."

"When we get married, we're going to have two weddings. One Hindu and one Christian. I can't wait."

Good to know that he wants to do that.


"Asher, honey, do you want to get something so you can eat it later?" Jenny asks, glancing at us through the rearview mirror.

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