45- It's finally over

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"Chase!" Asher rushes into the room with a huge smile on face.

I lift my head from the pillow. "What?"

"They caught them!" He tells me, excitedly.

"Wait, really?" I ask, sitting up.

Asher nods, happily. "It's finally over, baby. Finally. We don't have to worry about the rival company or any of that shit. Dad's okay, you're okay, we're all going to be okay."

He sounds and looks like someone just lifted this heavy rock off his shoulder.

"No more Evan, no more Vittoria," Asher continues with glee. "I'm so fucking happy, baby."

"I can tell," I say with a small chuckle.

Asher covers my face with kisses. I fall back on the bed and Asher climbs over so that he's hovering over my body.


Asher rolls his eyes and we both look over the door where Jace is freaking out. My boyfriend gets off of me and helps me up too.

The doctors took out the bandage on my leg, so I'm almost fully recovered. I just have a slight limp when I walk, but they told me that it would disappear after a few more days.

"Holy shit, is that a boner?" Jace asks, annoying Asher even more.

Asher grabs the nearest object and chucks it at his best friend. Jace dodges and we watch in horror as it hits poor Harper.

Harper looks surprised as we all grimace before he bursts into tears, clutching the stuffed animal.

"Oh no, baby. I'm so sorry," Asher rushes over to his son.

Harper brushes past him and runs to me with tears streaming down his face.

"It's okay, baby," I coo, picking him up and rubbing his back.

Harper continues sobbing.

I shoot Asher a look while pacing around the room.

"I didn't think I would hit him that hard," Asher says, apologetically.

"Bradley, you play football and baseball. Both require you to throw something and you're the best pitcher on the team, what the actual heck did you expect?" I ask.

"It's his damn fault for moving," Asher says, throwing Jace under the bus.

Harper tears subside as I walk towards Jace and Asher.

Asher reaches out for Harper who accepts to be held.

"I'm sorry, baby. I would never hurt you on purpose," Asher apologizes. "I love you."

I hide my smile as Harper hugs him.

"Well, ladies, my job here is done," Jace says, starting to walk away, but I pull him back.

"What job?" I question.

Jace shrugs. "I don't know it sounded cool to say."

Asher hands him Harper. "Watch him. Chase and I have some unfinished business to take care of."

Jace holds Harper and looks at him unsurely. "Is he going to puke on me."

Asher face palms. "He's 2 years old not 2 months. He can talk and run around. All you gotta do is keep him alive."

"That's a pretty big responsibility," Jace says, eyeing the blonde toddler in his arms.

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