Today We Fight (pt 1)

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The day some people were looking forward to and others not so much.


Yoongi and Jihoon look like they have been from hell and back which they have.

One of the makeup artists ratted out Yoongi, telling Hyunseung what he did with his lip.

The Devil, of course, didn't take that lightly and hurt Yoongi, physically and mentally.... again.

Jihoon even found out about their dad knowing there are rats in his mafia. So he was still trying to get all his spies out of that evil place to hide them from a bit.

As the night came, you were able to hear Yoongi getting beat up all night and as the doctor keeps making Hyunseung mad it keeps their dad occupied while Jihoon gets everyone out of the house.

Jihoon knows what is happening and so does everyone else, you could simply hear Yoongi's screams and Hyunseung laugh would echo through the whole house.

Thankfully, Jihoon was even able to get a message through to Namjoon, explaining more of the plan and who else is going to be there that night.

Over on Jimins side, everyone was trying to stay as calm as possible. Act normal, like going on missions, or doing their everyday drug deals, and many more.

The leader has been at the headquarters a lot, helping with training some newbies or other mafia heads, that are his friends, and teaching hand to hand combat which still no one has been able to beat him except for his Yoongi.

"Hey Jimin, S.Coups told me you did a pretty cool move back when you were at the abandoned building, could you like teach me?" Jackson asks, the rest of the Got7 subgroup behind him.

"Yes, I would love to Jackson!" Jimin smiles walking away to go get a chair.

People have already noticed what was going to happen so they stopped everything and just watched. Some even agreed to help with the demonstration.


Jimin grabbed a chair and hit one guy before tuning up a wall, doing a backflip off of that, making another playfully and dramatically "run into the wall". As he learned on one's shoulder, leaned back to flip him into another. Standing up he took a swing at the last. Knocking out 5 BTS members with minimal moves and under 5 minutes.

Jimin immediately went and helped the members up before then looking at Jackson who was a pale as Yoongi.

"H-how d-did you do that?" Jackson cleared his throat.

Jimin started to explain everything and good thing Jackson knew how to do most of the stuff.

About an hour later, Jackson was doing the same thing the boss had done earlier.

"Wow... You are a really fast learner." Jimin said shocked once Jackson did the moves perfectly.

"Well thank you it means a lot but I have to go now I have a date with Mark!" Jackson says excitedly, jumping up and down thinking about his husband.

"BYE!" Jimin yelled, with a smile and a wave.


It was around 4 when Jimin decided it was time to get ready for the meaning with Hyunseung.

He grabbed many small and large weapons just in case of something going wrong which was most likely going to happen.

He made his way to his car and back into his house where he got ready in all black, making his newly silver hair stand out more. Jimin then put on a black mask and some sunglasses before starting to head to his car again but Jin stopped him.

"You can't leave without saying goodbye."

"W-well I-I, but-".

"No buts you need to say goodbye." Jin grabbed Jimins hand and dragged him to the living room.

"So you were just going to leave?" A pissed-off Hoseok asks and not going to lie it was a little hot to Jimin.

"Yeah, I didn't want you guys to try and make me change my mind or something," Jimin mumbles, putting his head down to not look at their glares.

"Trust us, that is all on you but next time just say goodbye okAy? And you will come back with Yoongi and Jihoon, then everyone can live happily ever after!" Hoseok laughs, standing up to hug Jimin then left to probably talk with the guy he has been having a crush on from the Vixx Mafia.

"K BYE HOSUCK. GO GET RAVI'S DICK!" Jimin screamed and watched Hoseok turn 50 shades of red.

"DON'T WORRY I WILL!" Hoseok then ran out of the house smiling.

"Well, that is one unpure child." Jin sighs, hugging the younger before heading to the kitchen.

"I am not going to keep you, so I will make this short. You will come back and... wait Hobi already said what I was going to say so bye and don't die." Namjoon chuckles, handing Jimin a note, and left to go find his boyfriend cooking.

Jimin quickly walked out of the house and started driving to the black tower. It was a long drive and he slowly started to feel nervous as he made it to the docks.

Jimin parked a bit away and read the note. Taking a deep breath he started his way down Mac getting there 2 minutes before 6 o'clock.

Jimin thought that Hyunseung, Yoongi, and Jihoon wouldn't be there but again he was wrong.

"Well hello, Mr. Park. Good to see that you could make it so why don't we get down to business?" Hyunseung smirked, coming out from the shadows as usual.


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