The Evil Queen

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"I didn't forget, Papa. They just..." What's the best way I can explain this? "They made me a better person."

He scoffed. "Did you forget who they are?"

"I didn't. I hated David the first time we met because he was the prince. I thought he was those snobby pratty ones that cry when they don't get what they want. Then he proved that he wasn't like that. And Snow saved me that day we separated. She took me in and gave me a home while I was out there bloody looking for you." I went over and sat across from him. "Do you know how many villages I've burned down? How many people I've killed? Stolen from? All because I wanted to find you? Killing the Crocodile wasn't my highest priority at the moment."

"Yet you left me in that god awful hospital."

"I had no choice. You were still hurt and they would have left you locked up in a boiler room. I didn't want you locked up again, so I dropped you off at the hospital." I leaned forward until my hands are folded under my chin. "People kept taking you away from me. I didn't want it to happen again. But it did and it's my fault. I'm really sorry, Papa. It was the right thing to do. I'm not going to apologize for saving the man who raised me for 28 years."

Papa didn't say anything. That's what scares me. He's not saying anything, but I could see his hand clenching and unclenching. He's mad at me. He's disappointed. Our one mission destroyed because I've gone soft.

"Your mother would be very disappointed," he said after a while.

"I know," I whispered, on the verge of tears.

"I've let her down." Wait, what? Papa ran a hand down his chin. "She wanted me to protect you and I've failed her. Killing the Crocodile is my burden that I've passed it on to you. I've failed her when he showed me your body." He motioned to me. "Well, not really your body."

I got up and sat next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder. "We've failed each other." And we sat like that for a while. I sighed before I got up. "As much as I love having you here, I'm heading out. Greg should be here anytime soon."

Papa shot up like the couch as on fire. "No, Cassie. I don't want you anywhere near him."

"Papa, I know you're still mad that he ran you over -"

"It's not that. I don't bloody care. But you can't trust him. He's in league with some woman," he began explaining. "She abducted me from the hospital and dragged me back to him."

I gave him a look indicating that I didn't believe him. "Greg? The same guy who likes to dip his fries in his shake is in an alliance with a chick? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know." I gave him another look. "You don't believe me, do you? When have I ever lied to you about something this serious?"

I sighed, knowing that he's right. "Never." Sure, he lies about his cards or whenever we took something from someone, but he tells me the truth when it comes to life-threatening situations. Maybe, I should tell him about the magic beans. If he's still here we can go home together. Never be separated again.

"See? Look where your friends got you. You've lowered your guard and trust a man you barely met." I sighed again. "Look, I'm only trying to protect you, Cassie. Greg and this woman want me to make an alliance with Regina and betray her. I know you care about her, but your safety is more important than anything."

"You want me to betray Regina?" I breathed. "What do they want with Regina anyway?"

"Because she knows what happened to my dad," I heard from behind. I looked back to see Greg coming in with Tamara. Oh, my god. She's the she August was trying to warn us about.

Savage 》Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora