Chapter 40

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Hannah was shocked, holding her now stinging cheek. The hit Flash through was a strong one, stronger than before. 

She was no stranger to his abuse, but this really took the cake. Hannah's jaw was dropped, and she stared at Flash in horror. His dead look didn't falter, instead, he turned back around and continued walking.

"Eugene," Hannah exhaled, before standing up and walking back to the classroom.

Wade POV

I wandered into the Compound and grunted when a weight jumped into my arms. "Baby!"

Peter had this small smile on his face as I swung him around, my hands underneath his armpits, his dress flowing in the air. He didn't look bright like he normally was, but he was still smiling.

"How was school?" Peter asked as I sat him down on the floor. I shoved my hands into my pockets as we made our way over to the elevator. "Boring, being here must be fun all day."

Peter scratched behind his head with a little chuckle. "I actually I wasn't here all day," he threw his hands up in the air in a fake exasperated tone. "I still have ta' keep up this 'intern' job after all."

I nodded in agreement. As we stepped into the elevator, Peter began to reach out for the fingerprint on the wall beside the button, instead of using a card. I stopped him, however.

"Let me use my card," I insisted. Peter paused, but then nodded, his lips coming out in a little pout as he backed away, allowing me to whip out my own card and swipe it instead.

"Maybe I can ask my Dad if you can get the finger scan too," Peter offered as the elevator went up. I snorted. "Right, he's already pissed that I have a card to easily get in, let alone a fingerprint to register me."

Peter seemed to think a minute before nodding slowly. "Also, isn't your internship Spiderman?
"Yeah, but sometimes I have to do actual intern stuff."

As soon as the elevator doors opened, a gunshot hit me straight in my shoulder. Peter flinched and seemed to glare at Natasha who stood in the entrance.

I shrugged nonchalantly as I dug into my gunshot wound and pulled out the bullet. "What kind of material even is this?"

"That's what we're working on," Natasha huffed, putting her gun back in the holster before strutting off as if she didn't just shoot me. Peter rolled his eyes before exiting. "Want some snacks," Peter asked, gesturing to the kitchen. "Nah, I got it right here," I murmured, eyeing Peter's body. 

He scrunched up his nose, a faint blush taking up his face. "Don't push it quite yet," Peter giggled nervously as he entered the kitchen, I followed close behind. In the kitchen was once Bucky, but he was munching on an Eggo waffle, a blank expression on his face. Seeing me and Peter must have broken him out of his dazed state. "Hey, kiddo," Bucky mumbled quietly. Peter hummed in acknowledgment, grabbing a few bags of chips and juice packs.

Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a bit too much sugar for you?" Peter smiled a toothy grin. "You're not gonna tell Papa are you?" Peter's face shined innocent teasing, his voice gentle and carefree, but I knew him better. He was using his cuteness to his advantage. Bucky squinted at me and him, before shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Nah, knock yourself out, kid." Peter once again smiled wider, before grabbing my hand and pulling me off to his room. He threw the snacks on the bed before pushing me down quite roughly, even though I know that wasn't his intention. He grabbed his office chair, spinning it around a little.

"So are we still going to the movies on Saturday?" I asked. "If I can be Spiderman and an intern all morning then I can be Peter Parker for the afternoon," Peter replied.

"You make it sound like it's easy," I groaned out, flopping down like a fish. Peter tilted his head. "It's not, really. I used to go to school, be an intern and Spiderman and I still found time to hang out with you, Ned and MJ," Peter explained. I frowned. "How have you been holding up?" My tone wasn't happy anymore, quite the opposite. Concerned and serious.

"Fine, we don't talk about what happened anymore, but I don't think it's behind us," Peter exhaled. My lips puffed out for a moment before I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulders. "What have the test said?"

Peter lowered his head. "My Spider powers cleared my system. It's as if I didn't have intercourse at all," Peter let out a weak laugh and my lips thinned. "Maybe I can try going back to that kid's house and ask him who exactly was at the party," I offered.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember his name?" I shrugged my shoulder as I sunk in my seat casually. "In this point of the story, he's irrelevant." 

Peter let out a small grunt before standing up, staring at me expectingly. I scooted back on the bed but wheezed in a startled tone when Peter collapsed in my lap, curling close to me.

"I know that you're worried, Wade. Everyone is," he absentmindedly ran his hand through my hair, looking up at me with a tired look, yet so focused. "So..." Peter twisted a strand around his finger before untwisting it, before repeating the process. "If we never find out who did this to us, just know that it'll all be okay in the end."

I frowned at Peter. He wasn't looking at me, more at my hair, as if talking to himself. I grabbed his wrist, making his hand stop. He looked back up at me with doe eyes, before smiling. "It always does."

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