Chapter 5

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"Okay guys, this whole debate thing, is going to be broken up into pairs discussing," Mr. Brown looked over his clipboard. "Ugh, whether or not an artistic job is better than an office job or something."

MJ snorted. "Artistic job, all the way." Mr. Brown smiled warmly. "Partners are gonna be put together on Friday and I," Mr. Brown pointed to himself. "Will be choosing, got it?"

"Yes Mr. Brown," everyone said.
"Miss," Flash said under his breath with a smirk.

The final bell rung and everyone shot from their seats and began to rush out. "Peter, may I talk to you?"

Peter looked up and hesitantly shuffled his books to his chest, before walking over to Mr. Brown. He was still pretty shaken up about the whole 'near-rape experience' so being in a room with only another male made him anxious.

Mr. Brown gestured to the seat in front of his desk and Peter sat down and began to play with his hands, looking down to his lap. He now felt very insecure with the skort he was wearing, and he was certain it was riding up on him.

"Yes, sir?"
"We have a student who is now joining the whole debate club thing. So, I know this may be alot to ask of you but can you be his partner for this whole project?"

Peter released a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Oh, this is about the project? Of course!" Peter stood up, grabbing the hem of his skort and pulling it down slightly, hoping he wasn't exposing too much skin. Mr. Brown smiled.

"That's great, Pete! You know, your partner is a really interesting case. You both will both be working on the artistic career, is that okay with you, Mr. Parker?"

Peter nodded. "Where is uh..." "Wade, Wade Wilson is his name. And he's most likely out on the field, running on the track."

"He does track?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, he's a jock, you'll know him when you see him, alright?" Peter fake smiled before shuffling out. "Yup, I'm totally gonna hate this dude."

As Peter made his way to the track, he ran his fingers across the rim of his skort. It was slightly torn from the earlier (near-rape) experience and he was slightly sad. Not from the traumatizing event, but because he tore Wanda's skort. It apparently was one of her best ones. Even though Peter knew she could never be mad at him, Peter still felt guilt.

There were four boys on the track today, and one boy seemed to stand out, and he happened to be the one walking away. He saw Peter and immediately jogged toward him.

"You're my debate partner, right? Peter Parker?"
Peter narrowed his eyebrows, placing one hand on his hip and pointing to one side. "And I'm assuming your Wade Wilson?"

Wade's face went immediately serious.
"Don't assume my gender."
Peter blanked out for a moment. "Wait what?"
"Hm?" Wade asked in confusion, his lips thining.

They stood in awkward silence as they both studied each other. Wade gestured to Peter's skort. "What happened to you?" Peter blushed, and absentmindedly tugging at the ends of his skort. "I ran to school and tripped.
"Oh the lies you tell," Wade thought.

"We need to study for this whole project thing," Peter pulled his books to his chest and pointed to the school building. "Schools still open for afterschool. Maybe we can study in the library--" "Nah, everyone else had that idea and now it's most likely packed. And I hate social interaction with people."

Peter closed his mouth and opened, gapping like a fish. "Well, maybe we can go to your place--" "My parents don't like people being over," Wade lied, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He smiled widely suddenly. "Let's go to your place!"

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