Chapter 22

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Peter swung gracefully, Wade taking the low grounds, somehow keeping up on foot. "So," Spiderman huffed as the wind howled around him. "Where's the danger?"

"There appears to be someone on the roof of the old tower, threatening to jump," Karen explained, her voice urgent. Peter gasped.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?!"

Deadpool bounced from rooftop to rooftop. "You know who would be really helpful in this situation? Yukio."

"Uh, uh," Peter stuttered, landing on the roof of the closest building to the tower and squinted. There was, indeed, a woman up there. No one seemed to notice. The tower was so high it made her look like a speck of lint. "Wade, can you get up there without my help?" Wade looked offended. "Dude, I can break the fourth wall. I can get up there."

Peter nodded before launching forward and climbing around the abandoned Avenger's tower.

In the meantime, the lady was rocking back and forth, her legs dangling off the edge. Was it worth it?

She had lost her child, and her husband to some other bitch off the corner. She had nobody left. Nothing. "Hey!" Startled, she glanced back to see Deadpool standing a good distance away. She thought he was a hero, one she didn't recognize.

"Stay back or I'll jump--"
Deadpool began to sway his hips. "Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me."

The woman studied him. "What?" Deadpool stopped singing and tilted his head. "Can I tell you a story?" Before the woman could even reply, Deadpool continued. "I had a grat tim win i was Checkrcret I had los avi macup on my fas."

Deadpool didn't know what else to say to distract her and sighed in frustration. "Look, I just...I just don't want to do this anymore," the lady sniffled.

Deadpool waved her off. "You think your life is bad? I literally can't die, but still feel pain. Hey, were total opposite!" The lady glared at him and stood up. She was extremely skinny and her eyes were puffy with tears. She honestly didn't know why she bothered to listen to him, let alone talk to him.

That's when a thought occurred to her. "Who are you?" Whilst Wade rambled away, Peter was busy climbing upward. He had this whole situation planned out in his head.

"I'm gonna swing from the Chanda-da-lier! From the chanda-da-lier!" Deadpool sang with all his heart. Peter cringed at his singing, before swinging onto the platform. The lady nearly stumbled, but stood her ground, taking a threatening step back. (Chandiler - Sia)

Peter held his hands out in defense. "Ma'am, please step away from the edge," Peter said firmly yet gently. The lady held onto the railing and began to rock dangerously over the edge.

"You don't even know me," the lady spat. Peter took a step forward but stopped when the lady motioned for him to stop. "Yeah, well, okay, I may not know you but maybe I can get to know you. I'm--" Peter paused. "My name is Pete." He didn't want to say his full name; he didn't trust this lady enough.

The lady's eyes seemed to look at him warmly. "Nani," the lady answered softly. "Nani!" Wade screeched. Peter shot him a look that said 'shut the fuck up before I cut your mouth off' and turned back to the women with a friendly expression.

"My daughter, her name was Penny. She," Nani wiped away her tears. "Died from cancer. All that time, I spent holding her, telling her she'd be fine, my husband went off to cheat on me with some fucking whore," Nani ranted. Wade's face contorted into confusion, but Peter simply shook his head in sympathy. "There are always other people out there, Nani. Your daughter is in a better place. I'm sure she wouldn't want to see you sitting here, trying to end her own life," Peter paused, trying to think up something better to say.

"She looked up to you, right? She wouldn't want that, she wouldn't want, this to happen." Nani was now springing tears. "She also didn't want to die. She didn't want, her own fucking mother to be a liar!" And with that, Nani jumped off. Peter's eyes widen and he began to race over to the spot where she had last been standing. His heart was racing a mile per minute.

What Nani and Wade didn't know, was that in the time Wade was quoting memes, Peter had built two giant webs to catch Nani if she were to jump. And indeed, it caught her.

She was struggling slightly, and other than her clearly broken mentality, she seemed perfectly fine. Wade walked up behind Peter and stared down at her figure. "Should we leave her like that?"

Peter could already see people noticing her body caught in his web, some people were calling the fire department and the police to get her down. "I'm sure they'll handle this," Peter grumbled sadly, before swinging away. Wade watched him with a gloomy expression.

"He honestly doesn't deserve that," a small voice whispered.

"He seemed to be personally hurt by her on a deeper level," another voice said.

"What makes you guys say that? Anyone would feel that way after watching some brokenhearted mother trying to kill herself. Someone so depressed and sad," Wade stated.


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