Chapter 20, Rowan's OTP

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Peyton's house is this biggest one out of all of us. It looks small on the outside and huge on the inside. "Hey Peyton wants us to come over."

"We should," Rowan said.

"Want me to tell her to pick us up?" I asked.



Bradley, Caitlyn, Corey, and I were at the living room, when all of the sudden Peyton came.

"Hey! Spencer's friend is having a party tomorrow you guys should totally go!" Peyton suggested.

"Maybe. I don't really know what I'm doing tomorrow." I said.

"I'll go if all of you guys go," Bradley smiled.

"Yeah, same." Caitlyn and Corey said. Ah they're so cute.

"So then you guys are going!" Peyton squealed. "Everyone agreed to go, besides you."

"Wow, well played List," I said.

"Thanks!" She exited the room.

I'm so tired. My eyes kept on wanting to shut, but I tried to keep them open.

Bradley's POV.

Sabrina put her head on my shoulder. Just imagine how I felt. The girl that I like, is this close to me, and we're just friends.

Just friends! What's that?

I know that me and her will never date but you can't blame me for trying.

"Mind if I go to sleep for a while?" She asked.

"No, go ahead."

"Thanks." It's difficult. Everything is so crazy, Ryan and I broke up last night, and I think the party tomorrow, is gonna be a good day to make my move. I need to soon, I wonder what Jakes up to.

Corey's POV.

Things are going really well with Caitlyn, in fact they couldn't get any better from how perfect the relationship is.

Sabrina and Bradley need help, I can see that they both like each other, but are scared that the other doesn't feel the same way. It's like Caitlyn and I, before we started dating of course.

"Be right back," I said going to the kitchen and grabbed two sodas, one for me, and one for Caitlyn.


Rowan's POV.

"We should get in the indoor pool." Peyton suggested.

"You have an indoor pool?" Izzy and I said amused.

"So is that a yes, or no?" Peyton questioned.

"Well duh yes," Kyla said.

I guess we're all wearing Peyton's "emergency" swimsuits.

"Guys we're going in Peyton's pool! Wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure." Corey and Caitlyn said.

"I'm fine, besides Sabrina's sleeping," Bradley said.


Sabrina's POV.

I woke up and there was Bradley still there. So sweet as always, but we're nothing more than friends as he said.

"Hey, where's everyone else at?" I asked.

"Oh. They're all at Peyton's pool."

"How come you didn't go?"

It Started With A Dare? | Sabrina Carpenter & Bradley Steven Perry [Brabrina]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat