"Oh, I know! Don't even get me started!! One minute he'll be hungry then the next he'll want to go to the train station and look around there. Like seriously! He has no filter either, like when he's with our other friends he doesn't know what to and not to say. It's pretty embarrassing if you ask me. He's so needy too, I promise you if he didn't have me as a roommate he would be dead right now," Leonard finished with a snicker.

He took out a spatula, scrambled up the eggs, and flipped them over.

"No Leonard that's not what I meant!" I laughed, "like yes that might be so but what I mean is his personality is so...so unique. He's not like other guys."

"Oh," Leonard paused, "well what do you look for in a guy?"

I hesitated before I spoke, "for starters, he has to be a nerd. Not some arrogant jock who takes a new girl home every night. A complete idiot who is the definition of awkward. A real genuine guy, the "how was your day" kind of guy, not the "come over to my house" kind of guy. He has to be sweet, funny, cute, and lastly willing to put up with me."

That pretty much summed it up. Oddly enough, I thought about this quite often.

Leonard turned to me and smiled, just a half one. He brushed his messy hair to the side adjusted his glasses.

"That sounds good, Sheldon seems to fill that spot," he said, eyebrows raised.

"Is that so?" I asked non-convinced.

Then as if summoned by name Sheldon appeared around the corner.

"Are my eggs ready??" He said impatiently with his hands on his hips.

Leonard was just scooping them onto two plates when he asked.

"Yeah yeah chill out and sit down," he said flatly.

Sheldon took a seat next to me and smoothed his still rustled hair down to the side of his head.

"Ugh, Leonard! My hair is driving me insane, you have to take me to get it cut or I'll die!" He whined.

Leonard sighed and set the plates in front of us.

"Shut up, I will. You're only 3 days overdue you idiot. Plus, what about work?"

Sheldon's Point of View

What about work?? Did he really think that would change my mind? I had an incredible amount of OCD and unless my hair predicament was solved it wasn't going to leave me alone.

"Leonard nonsense. Since it was an off day at work I was going to take the day off anyway to watch the Star Wars original trilogy marathon anyway. So I'll have plenty of free time for you to take me."

Leonard looked extra annoyed today.

"Well, that doesn't mean I don't have work!! I have a job too you know. The whole world doesn't revolve around you Sheldon."

"Well, it should!" I said with crossed arms.

I glared at Leonard and started eating my breakfast.

"Whatever Sheldon there's no sense in arguing with you. You're always right anyway," Leonard sneered.

"Haha see. Thank you for finally seeing the truth!" I beamed.

Leonard snickered from the other side of the counter at me.

"That's 5 for 30 so far this month!" He muttered to himself.

"Drats!" I spat.

Earlier this year Leonard and I had made a system for me to better understand the concept of sarcasm. Each month we would keep track and every time Leonard or anyone else used it and I caught it I added one to the side of me catching it. Every time I didn't catch it or I acted as if it were literal Leonard added to the time he used it. So at the end of the month, there would be the number of times he used it and the number of times I caught it. Last month I beat my record of 15 for 30. That was half but this month I wasn't doing so well.

"Yep, I'm addin 'em. But no problem buddy but there is one thing I am right about, I am not taking you to get your stupid hair cut!" Leonard said with fake sympathy.

I scoffed. "Well, then how am I supposed to go."

Now I was implying for Natalie to take me. She probably didn't have anything to do today. I looked over at her. She had her head down and was finishing up the eggs. She looked like she was trying to keep her cool but I could see she was irritated.

"I don't know maybe take a taxi for once!" Leonard said with his hands above his head.

"I cannot believe you just said that Leonard! Are you absurd?? Those germ magnets are so disgusting. All the butt bacteria on the seats! And not to mention the puke smell inside of them. Oh if only there were someone to take me!"

Finally, Natalie spoke up, "okay FINE I'll take you. As if you didn't ask before.." she scowled.

"Oh good thank you!" I said happily.

"We leave at 10:00," she said as she limped away from the table.

"Sounds good!" I said in the same tone.

I knew I had to be as nice as possible to this girl. She could potentially be my new chauffeur when Leonard was unable to.

Natalie's Point of View

Just as Sheldon disappeared into his room I practically screamed. Leonard burst out laughing and walked over to me on the couch.

"Okay I stand corrected, maybe he's not the one to fill the spot. You two wouldn't last the first hour!" He said still laughing.

I slapped him on the leg. But I knew he was right.

"Oh, so many props to you Leonard. He's like an adult child." I shivered.

"How long have you know him?"

"Maybe 16 years. It feels like a millennium though, with each day being a decade! But I have to admit, I couldn't live without the guy, he's my best friend."

I laughed and saw how he thought that.

"Do you want me to come with you guys?" Leonard asked.

I secretly wanted him too but of course, couldn't say that.

"No, you go to work." I objected.

"If you say so!" Leonard shrugged.

10:00 a.m.

"Okay Sheldon come on! I'm going to leave you!" I yelled after him.

I was dressed and ready in a long beige sweater and light blue jeans. I tied up my Vans with the help of Leonard. I still couldn't really function all the way yet. I would have to go in for my rib but it didn't bother me as much so I guess it was only a mild fracture. Leonard said he had brought my baggage when he had hit me. Although I didn't remember if I had any or not.

"Ok, I'm almost ready!" Sheldon yelled back from the bathroom.

Minutes later I was sitting on the couch again when I heard a faint ding from the bathroom and Sheldon shriek, "OH MY GOD LEONARD!"

Author- Ha...haha sorry for not updating in so long. I'll try more but no promises. Not that any of you care but yea😂 -Chloe xD

The Crash Into Reality (TBBT fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora