Lloyd x Reader -Happy Valentines Day-

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It was Valentines Day as I was snuggled up with my boyfriend at the moment, Lloyd Garmadon.
He was Ninjago's savior and my best friend. We both did that dumb thing that couples do every year say
"Oh, we aren't going to get anything for each other."
This year he got me a huge stuffed bear, a box of chocolates from Ninjago's most expensive and refined bakery. He gave me roses that were f/c.
On the other hand, I have him some cologne, some chocolates I made, and some dyed green roses with gold on the tips of all of them.
His favorite colors.
For dinner, I made him Soba noodles (TODOROKI) which were one of his favorites. One of Lloyd's things he disliked the most about Valentine's Day was the "I love you" part that is strung everywhere. He would whine when I would get him anything that would say it on it.
"Babe, I tell you every day that I love you. I don't need any special day of the year to say I love you. I'll say it every day of the year but today. And he still ends up saying it.
"I'm warning you Garmadon. Nothing sappy this year."
I shook my finger in his face this morning.
He smiled and shook his head lightly laughing.
Last year on Valentines Day he made me breakfast in bed. I deeply appreciated it but I ended up getting syrup all over our shared bed which was an epic fail.
But, the thing that Lloyd enjoyed doing most was watching scary movies on Valentine's Day. This is why it was one of my favorites days of the year in the morning but at night, I wasn't a scary movie person.
Lloyd did this mostly intentionally because he wanted me to snuggle up to him closer than I already did. It was a sad excuse but I fell to it every year.
We were watching the Exorcist (I literally googled scary movies because I don't watch them 😂)
I was curled up at his side while the movie yelled at the so-called possessed child.
She was holding a cross and screaming at the girl.
That's when the thunder clapped outside and the room went entirely black.
Of course, I screamed and clung onto my boyfriend.
He laughed and shook his head before lighting a green flame in his hand.
I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and quickly shot a text to Jay.
He was who we called when the power was out or something concerning electricity.
Yes, Lloyd could wield electricity but, he tried one time and destroyed the entire system. So we called Jay. He had a degree for it too. So that helped.
"It's out here too. I'll be there when ours is back up."
Jay texted.
I turned my phone off to preserve the battery. I looked over to my boyfriend and he wasn't there.
I dug my nails into our sofa.
He was gone.
When something suddenly grabbed my leg a shrill scream was heard all throughout Ninjago. I looked down to see the son of a bitch I called my boyfriend. Lloyd Garmadon.
I slapped his blond mop of hair.
"You jerk!"
I yelled at him while he rubbed his head from where I slapped him.
"Last time I scare you."
He mumbled lighting the small fire that was in his hand again.
I climbed back onto the couch and slid back into my original position.
My door was ripped open and the thunder clapped at the same time like a cliche in a horror movie.
Lloyd smiles.
"Hey, Jay!"
I was actively digging my nails into Lloyds arm.
"Stop Y/N before I start to bleed. It's Valentine's Day, not Halloween, please remove the claws."
He lectured.
I smiled.
"I'm here to fix your problem!"
He said raising his hand up with his tools.
"Thanks, Jay."
After a couple of minutes, Jay was done and our power was back on.
"Thanks, Jay!"
I waved to him as he left our house.
I turned to Lloyd and he was down on his knee. A ring pop in his hand.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
He asked.
I chuckled.
I took the ring pop off his finger.
He leaned in for the kiss
and he was met with the plastic part of my ring pop.

"That's for scaring me."
I smiled at him.


I hope you enjoyed!

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