Lloyd x Reader -cookies-

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Since I was trying to be a nice girlfriend, I was going to make Lloyd cookies.
I didn't realize how much of a challenge it would be.
At first, he just sat on the couch, happily reading StarFarer, enjoying each other's presence.
Then he got bored of the comic book he adored so much.
I was mixing up the second batch of cookies. The first batch was in the fridge, cooling.
I was using a spatula and stirring everything when my hair was lifted off the back of my neck and was littered with kisses.
I blushed furiously, but didn't give Lloyd the time of day, and kept stirring.
"Whatcha doing?"
He purred into my ear.
I elbowed him in stomach with my hand that was holding the bowl.
"Making cookies for you."
I replied, putting my hand back on the bowl.
"Come spend time with me."
He pleaded.
I raised my eyebrows, then went back to stirring.
"Nope. I started this project, and I'll finish it."
I answered, adding the chocolate chips and stirring the batter again.
He groaned. He rested his head on my back and wrapped his arms around me.
"I will take you away."
He told me.
"If you get the cookie dough out of the fridge, I'll let you eat some."
I offered. My boyfriend was like 7 at heart. So when somebody offered cookie dough, he took it without hesitation.
He ran to the fridge, opened it, scanned the fridge for a minute, and couldn't find it.
"Where is it?"
He whined.
"Second shelf, blue bowl, kitten."
I replied as I got cookie sheets out.
He grinned and pulled it out.
He brought it over to me and pulled the plastic wrap off.
And grabbed a handful of it.
With his huge, unclean hands.
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon!"
I scolded him.
He shrugged and continued to bite out of the ball of cookie dough.
I took the bowl from him.
"No more for you."
I said as I walked to find the parchment paper.
He complained.
"Because salmonella is a thing."
I said as I used a spoon to make balls of cookie dough, and throw them onto the baking sheet.
"Screw salmonella."
He said walking towards me.
He grabbed another big clump of dough.
"Salmonella is gonna screw you, and I'm gonna hurt you, if you don't stop. I want some actual baked cookies."
I answered.
He shrugged and continued to eat.
He reached his hand near the bowl of cookie dough I was using, and I popped the back of his hand with my spoon.
He swiftly pulled back his hand.
He whined.
I copied his actions.
He just groaned.
He walked away. I smirked. I won. I would have actual cookies.
I felt something heavy hit my back and explode on impact. I turned around to see a grinning Lloyd, and flour covering my back, and the ground.
I laughed. It was hard trying to stay serious.
He ran and snatched a ball of cookie dough.
"Ha Ha."
He taunted.
I picked up the remains of the bag of flour and threw it at him.
He was covered in the front with flour.
I doubled over laughing.
He got a handful of cookie dough, and advanced towards me.
"What are you doing?"
I asked backing up. I backed up into the counter.
I was trapped. 
He took the big ball of cookie dough, and smeared it on my face.
I yelled through the cookie dough.
He leaned close to me.
"I think you have a spot right here. Let me get that."
He leaned closer and kissed me.
We both tasted of cookie dough.
It was sweet.
"Clean this mess up today."
Sensei Wu said walking through the kitchen and onto the deck of the Bounty.
Lloyd groaned because he had probably seen everything, and I laughed.

And I hope you liked that.

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