Lloyd x reader -shirtless hotness-

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YO MA DUDES! You are amazing and I care about, have a blessed day.

It had been a few weeks since Lloyd got turned "older". And I had been hiding in my room because of it. He was just so hot, and to think I thought he was an ugly little kid. He had a serious glow up. His swooshy hair, the deep jade eyes I'd need a map for, and especially his body. No I hadn't seen him shirtless or anything, but I could tell. It was like a 5th sense or something. The whole entire team knew I had a thing for him, except him. I've kept it a secret from him. Well at least tried to. Sometimes I would become a blushing, stuttering, mess and have to walk out. The team would laugh as I tried to calm the blood down that was furiously rushing to my cheeks. Lloyd would just shrug most of the time it happened. It happened more than once a day, so that's why I'm in my room 24/7. Well I try to be, I have to train, and eat with the team. Don't even get me started on training with him. He was so agile, and clean when he was fitting. I hated to see him get hurt by the other guys. He'd just laugh it off, with the rest of the team. I would try to let it go but, never could. That's why I enjoyed hitting practice, minus Lloyd getting hit of course. I really cared and liked this boy, yet I couldn't tell him. My door opened to reveal the fire ninja.
"Keep this."
He instructed as he threw a shirt across the room. I examined the object.
I questioned.
"Does it matter?"
He asked, rolling his eyes.
He then shut the door, I could hear him sprinting down the hall. Huh, I wonder why he would sprint down the hall. It doesn't matter. I picked up the novel I was reading from my nightstand and continued where I left off. With all this time being in my room, I get to read a lot. The door was suddenly thrown open with a great deal of force. The door literally almost flew off of its hinges in the process. I looked up surprised from my novel.
It was Lloyd.
And he was shirtless.
It made so much more sense now, Kai set this up.
I'll get revenge on that bastard. I thought.
"Hey, Y/N do you have my shirt?"
He asked standing in the doorway. Every one of my conspiracies was right. He was totally ripped, his hair was a mess, yet it looked right. I got up and walked over to him. I could feel he blood rushing rapidly to my cheeks.
"Y-yeah, it's right-"
I cut myself off. I face planted straight into the wooden floor. Right in front of my crush. Great.

-Lloyd's POV-
I threw open the door to Y/N's room. Kai told me my shirt was in here. Why would she snatch it? Of all people. She's hardly around me. Anytime I start to have a conversation she runs away. I'm starting to think she doesn't like me, even though I really like her. I find it adorable how she stutters over her words, yet is a confident bad-ass in battle. She's perfect. I sighed. I was ran to her room in just a pair of shorts, my shirt was stolen and I hadn't even had time to do my hair, so it probably looked horrible. It took a minute for her to realize who was at the door, she was pretty engrossed in her book. I quite frankly, wanted my shirt back.
"Hey Y/N, do you have my shirt?"
I said looking at her. I shifted uncomfortably as I waited for her to say something. It's not that I was ashamed of my body. I had a freaking six-pack. I just didn't like walking around shirtless.
She got up from her bed. She had my t-shirt in my hand.
"Y-yeah, it's right-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence. She gave planted straight into the wooden floor. I winced as her face made contact with the wood. If I would've known she was going to face plant, I would've caught her. But, it was pretty unpredictable. She didn't sway or anything. She just fell straight forward. I got down on the floor, I nudged her slightly. She was out. I panicked. What if she was dead? I scooped her up in my arms bridal style, completely forgetting about my shirt, and ran down the hall to living room where the team was. I practically kicked the door to the living room open.
I heard Kai whistle as I entered the room.
"What were you doing with her Lloyd?"
I looked at him.
"Nothing. I was just getting my shirt back, then as she was about to give it to me, she face planted. Must've lost conscious."
Nya snickered and pulled out her phone and started taking pictures.
"Oh real mature Nya."
I rolled my eyes.
I felt a shift in her movement.
She opened her eyes, her e/c sparkling up at me.
"Good morning."
She told me.
I laughed.
"Good morning."
She then registered who I was and screamed. I dropped her because she scared me.
"What's wrong?"
I asked her. Getting down to her level.
"You're shirtless,
She said slowly.
I nodded.
"And, you carried me in here?"
She took a deep breath.
I rose my eyebrows in surprise.
"What happened back there? And your welcome."
She shrugged and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I thought you looked hot, and still do, without your shirt on. It must of been too much for my brain to handle at once."
She kinda laughed.
"You think I look hot?"
She nodded.
I smirked.
"I think it's sexy how you are super confident in battle."
She looked up at me. I wanted to die laughing, she looked so confused. Then it registered to her.
She suddenly jerked the back of my long hair towards her, pressing her lips against mine.
I was shocked once again.
"Get a room you two!"
Kai told us.
"And a shirt."
Nya added.

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