Lloyd x Reader -swimsuits-

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Being the youngest sibling out of three teaches you something. Not to trust your older sister.
Kai was the oldest, then Nya, then me. Don't you think I would get some cool combination of powers?
Nah I just got lava manipulation and the ability to make volcanoes. Nothing too big.
Our ever so glorious team gleader decided that we were going to the beach. Kai decided he would just sit and tan. I can understand he's scared of water but get over yourself.
I mean I guess I can make rocks for myself to stand on if things get too bad but not the point. Zane was completely on board with the idea. He liked to sink to the bottom of the ocean and just watch. Cole liked the idea because he wasn't a ghost anymore. Lloyd wanted to play in the water and make a sandcastle with me. He truly is 9. Nya was up for it. And Jay was really up for it, unless he electrocuted everybody in the water.
Me being the fire element didn't own a swimsuit.
And Nya insisted she took me shopping.
"I don't wanna. I just wear regular clothes. It'll be fine."
I said shrugging it off. She raised her eyebrows at me.
"Being your older sister means I get to do fun stuff like this with you! And you would look like a hobo in regular clothes at the beach."
She deadpanned the last part.
"And besides, Mr Team Leader has a crush on you and you don't want to look like a hobo."
She added.
Indeed, I had a crush on Lloyd and apparently he had one on me too.
"He has a c-crush on m-me?"
I stuttered. She smiled and nodded.
She grabbed me by the hand and dragged me onto the deck of the Bounty. I was still star struck that Luh-Lloyd had a crush on me. Flabbergasted.
"We will be back in a bit!"
Nya called to our brother as he sipped his lemonade on the deck. He was trying to get a beach tan so he could look good at the beach and tan more.
He was probably going to get skin cancer.
She summoned her dragon and pulled me onto it. And we flew across town to our nearest mall and she started showing me swimsuits.
"Uh huh."
I nodded as she picked up multiple different things. She picked up some more and checked us out. I was still star struck.

-Lloyd POV-
I planned a beach day for the team. I hope this was better than the last time we were on a beach. I heard Nya and Y/N talking something about swimsuits and hobos. What an odd conversation to have. I walked out on the deck after seeing Nya and Y/N take off on her dragon. When I walked by Y/N and Nya in the hall, Y/N just giggled and stared at me. It was odd but eh. I found it kinda cute. I did have a crush on her.
"Where were your sisters going?"
I asked Kai who was trying to tan on the deck.
"To the mall or some shit. Something about swimsuits. I don't know. I'm just trying to tan here."
He said exasperated. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the Bounty.
I sat down on the couch and started playing some Final Fantasy VII.
It was 1:25 and we were supposed to be going to the beach at 2.
Surely Nya and Y/N would be home by then. They got home at 1:55.
The beach was a short fly away so I'm not too mad.
They walked in with huge shopping bags. I watched them walk down the hall.
"We will meet you there!"
Nya chirped as she pushed Y/N into a room and threw multiple shopping bags in her room as well.
I shrugged and turned off my PlayStation. I walked down the hall to hear some swearing coming out of Y/N's room.
I knocked on the door because it was on my way to my room at the end of the hall.
I was curious.
The door cracked open to reveal her smiling face. It was a nervous smile I could've tell.
"Everything okay?"
I asked raising one of my eyebrows.
She nodded swiftly.
"Just peachy."
She answered.
Her heading was poked out of the door, she hid the rest of her body behind the door.
I replied and walked down the hall. I got into my room and put on my swimming trunks. I heard more cussing as I walked past the door again. I just laughed a little and walked onto the deck and summoned my dragon. I made the quick flight over to the beach to meet the rest of the team. Except for the girls.
We all sat around in our beach chairs waiting for them.
A dragon made of lava soon came into view followed by a water dragon.
They both landed their dragons dissolved into their respective elements.
Y/N was wearing a hoodie and Nya was wearing a blue bikini.
Jay was drooling next to me. Y/N pulled on the edge of the hoodie she was wearing.
"Take it off."
Nya scolded her sister.
She mumbled something and Nya repeated what she said but louder. So she complied.
She took of the hoodie to reveal a f/c bikini. It was more revealing than Nya's.
I cupped my hand to my nose to stop my nose bleed.
She looked amazing.
"Is it too revealing? I think it is."
She mumbled, grabbing her arm.
"I don't think."
I said advancing towards her. I pulled out my hand from under my nose. I prayed to the First Spinjitzu Master that it didn't start bleeding again because she looked amazing.
"You know I kinda have this little thing called a crush on you."
She mumbled and played with her braided hair.
"And I like your hair and I like your-"
I put my hand on her mouth.
"Just sit there and let me look at you."
I admired her.
She blushed.
I leaned in and kissed her.
"You taste like candy."
She laughed slightly.
Jay yelled and Nya punched him.

I hope you enjoyed this because OH MY GOSH, Wattpad you need to step it up. I would be in the middle of writing a sentence and then it would jump up the screen like WHAT THE HECK

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