Lloyd x Reader -physics-

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Prompt: Damn it, why aren't you obeying the laws of physics?
Remember, requests are -open-

- Y/N POV-
I was a student in Ninjago High, I was good friends Nya. We were in the same Physics class. I was the top of the class, and she was a close second. Today I was going to her house to work on a project that was 75% of our grade so we had to complete it, though I preferred to work alone it was required that you had to work with a partner. I tolerated Nya the most out of our class so I picked her.
"I have 4 brothers, and my boyfriend lives with us as part of our team, so it might be a little chaotic."
She told me as we approached the front door. We she opened the door, no commotion or anything was happening. She shrugged.
"Oh well. We have these days sometimes. C'mon my room is this way."
As we entered through the living room, there was a brunette, it was her brother. I had seen him around before. A boy with black hair played videos games with the ginger. A dude with pure white hair sat at the kitchen table eating. Another guy had blond hair. I had seen him around school before. Everybody wanted to date everybody in this room. Even the kid with white hair.
Nya stopped.
"The brunette is my brother Kai, the dark headed one is Cole, the ginger is my boyfriend Jay, white hair is Zane, and the blond one is Lloyd."
I nodded.
"Nice to meet you all I'm Y/N."
I said as I adjusted the textbooks I had resting in my arms.
I was responded to with a nod, from Kai, two grunts from Cole and Jay since they were so engrossed in their game, and from Lloyd
"The pleasure is all mine."
I rolled my eyes. A bunch of guys had tried to date me because I was smart, so they could cheat off of me.
Nya continued to walk, and I followed her down the corridor to the door that said "Nya."
In fancy script. I entered, there was a balcony, large windows, and a huge color scheme of red's and blue's. It was simply magnificent.
"Your room is beautiful."
I told Nya. She turned to me and smiled.
She walked towards her bed where she dumped her books so I proceeded to do the same thing.
"So what were you thinking for our project?"
I smiled. It was my time to shine.

-a few hours of nerdy physics talk later-
"Well, I'm finally glad we decided."
She said looking at our accomplished project. It was a masterpiece from the creative minds of both of us.
"Well I'm going to get a glass of water, do you need anything?"
She asked as she gathered her things into a neat pile on the bed.
I said popping the p. This had been a bonding experience for me, we had become way better friends, and I knew it wouldn't be the last time I came over. She got up and walked out, leaving the door open as she went to get a glass of water.
I started gathering my things and placing my notebook back into my backpack when a voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"So your here for a Physics project huh? You like physics?"
A deep chilling voice said, sending shivers down my spine. I turned to see that Lloyd kid. I completely forgot about the other people around. Me and Nya has been so engrossed in our project the boys could've thrown a party and I would've never noticed.
I said as I zipped up my backpack.
"Complete physics nerd package."
He chuckled.
"Well, Let's let physics explain this."
I looked up at him. His hand immediately catching fire. I sprinted over to him.
"Are you okay? How are you not in excruciating pain right now?"
I said frantically.
"Because I'm the one who set my hand on fire, duh."
The flame on his hand appeared green, so it wasn't a natural type of fire. His hand immediately changed from fire to electricity. The electricity being green as well.
I said observing his hand. Taking mental notes to study about this.
He laughed once more.
"I guess Nya didn't tell you about having powers."
My face must have shown the shock I felt because he laughed at me again.
"Powers? Ha. That's physically impossible."
He shrugged.
"Not for me."
I rolled my eyes.
"Your special Lloyd."
He smiled.
"I know. Wanna see something even cooler?"
I nodded eagerly like a young child. He took my hand and walked over to the balcony. We were high up in the building. He slid open the glass doors, and walked out, with my hand still intact. The railing on this balcony was quite low, so I was kinda scared. Knowing Physics if I fell from this high up, no powers couldn't save me.
"Isn't it great?"
He said take a deep breath.
Suddenly, I was shoved very hard and tripped over the railing. I was falling. Tears streaming down my cheeks, knowing I was going to die. I closed my eyes not wanting to see anymore. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my, a brief second, then I was sitting on something.
"Open your eyes."
I heard Lloyd say. I looked down, I was sitting on top of a dragon.
"Where did this come from? This is physically impossible!"
He smiled, his eyes sparkling with joy.
"I made it. With my powers."
I threw my hands up in this.
"Damn it, why aren't you obeying the laws of Physics?"
I screamed then clutching his hands to his waist. His pulled the dragon hard upwards, he went through the clouds. Little tuffs of clouds were darted across my hair.
"Because, Physics don't apply to me. And you better get used to it."
He said poking me in the chest. The dragon at stopped. I just sat in one spot flapping its wings as we were above the clouds.
"I won't ever."
I huffed.
He pulled my shirt collar towards him, as I yelped in surprise as he planted a kiss on my lips.

-back at the house-
Nya walked back into her room with her glass of water.
"I wonder where Y/N wandered off to."
She shrugged.
"Doesn't matter."

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