Lloyd x reader/Morro x reader

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Request by SnazzyTulip
So in this, you, the reader, have the power of the spirit. You can look into someone's soul and spirit, read their emotions, eject someone in someone else's body if they are possessed, you can possess people. You see where this is going right?

-Your POV-
My boyfriend with the most amazing hair ever was just called to the Ninjago Museum of history to inspect a recent break-in from the night before. I was already worried. He told me he would be fine and would come back in one piece. My mind has other thoughts. He had been gone for around an hour. Passing out tea fliers didn't make time fly. The most recognized part of your team was playing around, using their powers, getting the word out about Steep Wisdom. I just asked people politely. Then as they really started showing off, a gust came through. Everything stopped, a car dropped on top of Cole. Kai's fire teapot he blew, smothered by the wind. Jay's hacking all the billboards went back to normal. Zane fell off his dragon and hit the pavement. I could see people's spirit's so I wasn't out of commission like the rest of the team.
"Did you feel that wind?"
Jay asked trying to get his hand at least spark.
The other 3 boys agreed.
We all looked at each other and nodded. We needed to see Sensei Wu. We took public transport. The bus. The ninja felt uncomfortable sitting among civilians. I silently laughed. I didn't need to read their spirit to tell they were unhappy. We finally arrived close to the tea shop where we could run the rest of the distance. Everybody seemed off balance. Nobody seemed right. They might get scared every once and a while but never like this. They had no idea what was going on.
They burst through the tea shop's small doors.
"Where's Sensei?"
Kai demanded. Never patient.
Misako scolded the boys since the first customer was at the counter. It was a mother and her daughter. The daughter's spirit was really happy, she was a big fan of the ninja. Her mother, on the other hand, was afraid yet didn't like her childlike the ninja. She thought it made her daughter reckless. I disagree with the mother on that. It's good to have cool and good role models. The daughter looked at me weird. She had no idea who I was per usual. Sensei finally came.
"What's wrong?"
He asked the boys as calm as ever.
"There was this wind,
Jay started,
Cole added
"Our powers,
Kai then chimed in,
"They are gone."
I feel bad for Jay and Cole since they got cut off but they always finish each other's sentences.
Suddenly, a strong gust blew open the door. It revealed my boyfriend. Clothed in more black than usual. Black was his least favorite color. It reminded him of his father too much.
"Hey, it's Lloyd!"
The little girl screamed. Apparently, she was a Lloyd fan. I read his spirit. Something was defiantly off. Way off.
"I know that wind."
"That's not Lloyd."
Sensei added to the little girl's screaming.
"No way it is."
I added to Sensei's statement.
The ninja went out in there tea uniforms to confront my boyfriend.
"Lloyd, what's wrong with you?"
Jay asked.
"Step aside. I want a word with your master."
Lloyd said with a way deeper voice than usual.
Jay added the snarky comment of,
"Woah, Lloyd's gone through puberty."
That earned him a slap on the back of the head from yours truly.
"What's gotten into him?"
Cole asked as he raised a thick eyebrow in question.
"I sense some kind of foreign entity has gotten into him. It's not the question what but who's gotten into him."
Zane replied.
"You've got that right. His spirit is screwed up."
Kai apparently had the problem that I still had my powers.
"And why do you still have your powers?"
He asked slightly happy but still unhappy about the situation.
"Cause mine isn't related to Lloyd maybe?"
They all said
In unison.
Kai declared,
Give us back our friend."
Lloyd laughs in an evil tone. Creepy. Something is defiantly wrong here.
"How are we supposed to fight a friend?"
Cole questioned once again.
"Let me show you!"
Declared the guy who was inside or possessing my boyfriend. I ran back into the shop. I wasn't much use on the battlefield but I could fight.
Sensei was ordering Misako and the mother and girl to get out of here. I glanced back at the battlefield. The boys were trying Spinjitzu but epically failing. The guy who had Lloyd could apparently manipulate the wind. Zane brought out his shurikens.
"Try this on for size."
The deep voice said as it manipulated the wind into taking off the blades of the windmill and hitting the boys with it. I winced at the scene playing out before my eyes. I went to see if none of them were majorly hurt. None of them were just their ego's. He walked into the shop and was having a conversation with Nya. I could tell because Nya's defenses about just stocking shelves were loud and proud. Sensei was in there with her.
"You alright?"
I asked the master of fire who was clutching his arm.
"Yeah, just a little bruised."
The "Lloyd" made the comment loud enough for us to hear,
"Your pathetic students haven't given me a reason to."
Jay got all defensive.
"Hey, no one calls me pathetic!"
Just like that, the doors slammed closed and the wind blew hard with the impact.
After a few seconds, we hear a crash. The doors to the shop open. Sensei and Nya come running out.
"To the barn!"
Nya yells.
Jay, Cole, and Zane follow. I and Kai decide to hold our ground.
"I am not running away from Lloyd!"
Kai declares.
"I am not running away either! He's my boyfriend! I'll find out what's wrong with him!"
I shout trying to get over the sound of the howling wind.
Everybody but we run to the barn. The wind picks up tossing me and Kai back in the process. Lloyd emerges from the doors.
"Keep him distracted, so I can read him!"
Kai nods.
He is in a fistfight with Lloyd. He's being overpowered but just enough time to get in.

I flash into the soul of him. There is Lloyd in a pit of nothingness. He's beating against the walls.
"Let me out!"
He yells.
The sight of him being locked up makes me sad. Apparently, he sees my e/c eyes.
He questions.
There is a way a can communicate but I just blink letting him know. A pair of luminescent green eyes flashed in front of the sight I had of Lloyd.
"Y/n right? You are his girlfriend? Pretty nice of you to get into my soul, and try to eject me. Not happening doll face. Your not getting him out."
He kicked me out of his soul. Not many people can do that to me. You have to be aware that I'm there to do that.
I have wide eyes like a deer in headlights when I come back to the world. Kai gets thrown towards me. Lloyd just snickers at me.
"Did you get anything?"
He asked. I'm too terrified to say anything.
Kai is suddenly hooked by the anchor taking my arm as he's pulled up.
"Put me down!"
He screams. He was determined to stay and fight.
"Perfect catch!"
Cole announces from the ship.
We are put on the bounty. People stare at me. I can feel it even though I'm looking nowhere. Just replaying the thoughts in my head.
"You're not getting him out."
The evil voice just keeps replaying in my head.
I'm shaken quite fiercely to snap me out of my trance.
"Did you get anything?"
Jay asks. Hoping for good answers. Ever busy is anticipating the answer.
"I'm not getting him out. I can't. The "Morro" guy who has him kicked me out of his soul."
Tears flooded down my cheeks. The image of Lloyd beating on the walls.
"It's time you know about Morro."
Sensei announced.
"He's the master of the wind."
We all had different commentary as the scene replayed in mind.

Time skip to when Morro unpossesses Lloyd in the cave for the realm crystal.
-Your POV still-
Zane observed the realm crystal in his hand.
"What shall we do with it?" He asked in a robotic tone as usual.
"I'll tell you what."
A raspy voice announced.
"You'll give the crystal to me and the girl or your green ninja gets it."
The "and the girl part surprised me."

Lloyd ending.
Kai took the crystal out of Zane's hand and threw it to Morro he caught it.
"Now the girl."
He told us.
I announced.
"You possessed my boyfriend. What makes you think I'll ever go to your side? Be some kind of toy for you? Never."
I went into his soul.
"You screw with my man again. You'll regret it even more than you did this time."
My eyes pierced into his ghostly soul.
"I'm counting on it."
He replied.
I took myself out this time. I wasn't going to be kicked out again. He dropped Lloyd like he was dead meat. He was too weak to endure a hit like that to the ground. I sprinted to catch him.
I breathed out.
"Shouldn't I be catching you?"
He asked smiling.
"No your just falling for me all over again."
My lips met his. They didn't have the usual candy sweet taste, more like death or ghostly taste but I didn't mind.
"I missed you. I liked seeing your eyes that one time. I wished you did it more will I was in there."
I smiled at his comment about my eyes but didn't like the memory of seeing him in pain.
"I'll let you down now. Like you said you're supposed to be catching me."
He laughed.
"I'll catch you next time."
Kai took the crystal out of Zane's hand and tossed it to Morro.
"Now the girl."
He told us. A blade threatening Lloyd's throat.
"I'll go."
The team gasped at my actions.
"Do not go Y/N he is evil."
Zane told me grabbing my arm. The cool titanium tickled my skin.
"I have to. I want you guys to be safe. I'm just spirit not really important anyway."
Zane looked saddened by the statement.
He let go. I went up to the ice cliff and joined Morro. He dropped Lloyd and Kai caught him.
The team started talking leaving me and Morro alone.
"You know I've liked you ever since you called me Dollface."
I told him.
He smiled.
"Me too."
He grabbed me and kissed me.
I'd have to get used to kissing a ghost. I wasn't like a regular kiss. It was...interesting.

Thanks for reading! I'm sorry if this is too Lloyd centered but I enjoyed writing this! So long too!

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