-Lloyd x reader- take me instead

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yoooooo. It's been too long though. School is getting hectic, I'm trying to find time to write, bear with me.
Your powers are light.
And we were just enjoying the Hiroshi's labyrinth but no! A robotic Sensei Wu, and huge mech dragon, and an albino snake had to ruin the party. Me and my boyfriend were wrapped up in metal snakes. Sensei Garmadon was being the off the edge of the mech dragons mouth.
"I'm sorry I failed you father."
Lloyd said looking down at his feet ashamed.
"It's okay son, it's my fault."
He smiled back.
The dragon spoke.
"I don't need him anymore."
The robotic Sensei Wu threw him to the body of water below. I watched in horror as he hit the water.
Lloyd yelled. He bit his lip. Tears forming in the edges of his eyes. I teared up seeing him tear up. He bowed his head in defeat and walked onto the mech dragon. I followed in suit. My powers were restricted by the snake. Once we got inside the huge dragon me and Lloyd were throw in separate cells. The Overlord instructed that the albino take my power first. I bit my lip and furrowed my brows. My power was my life source. Without my light, I'll burn out. I was put in a tiny glass cell, Lloyd was in a bigger one across the room.
The cell began a humming noise, then it hurt.
It felt like every ounce of my being was being sucked out of me as the burning white light slowly trickled out of my body.
I was struggling to stand at this point, and we weren't even half way done.
I sighed. My body was trembling, I was sweating extremely hard. I started slumping towards the cell floor. A nice nap. That's what I'd have. My hands slid down the glass exterior of the cell.
"I love you Lloyd."
I barely made audible. But he heard. And so did the albino.
"How sweet."
He hissed.
Lloyd yelled. I looked up to him, squinting, I was starting to lose my vision.
"Take my powers! Don't hurt her!"
He yelled pounding his fist against the glass.
Golden power swirled around him. His cell immediately turned on, his power began to be taken. Meaning mine was not. I was happy for me, but not him. I knew how bad it felt.
"Lloyd, no."
I whisper shouted. Regaining some of my previous strength.
"You're more important. Ninjago needs you."
He looked me straight in the eye from half way across the room.
"Y/N, I cant do that. This isn't my life force. Ninjago needs you."
He told me his legs trembling.
"I need you."
He whispered.
The Overlord's voice cackled over the room as his body was getting Lloyd's golden power. I tried to stay awake for him. I couldn't. I let my knees buckle as I collapsed to meet the cell floor.
A woke up to a cheer of victory. My eyes darted every way. I saw the huge glass cell across the room. There was my boyfriend. His perfect hair was messed up, his face was twisted up in pain, and his shaking along with his hands.
"You a-holes! Let me out!"
I banged against the small glass cell.
The albino slithered over to my cell.
"What did you call me?"
He said tilting his head to the side.
"I called you an asshole, asshole!"
I shouted at him.
I heard slight laughter, I looked over to my boyfriend who was laughing. Apparently I was making him feel better.
I said putting my hands on my hips,
"You're an albino. Get some sun."
He hissed at this. Lloyd erupted in pained laughter. I smiled. At least we were together during his worst times. That's what mattered. As long as we were together.
"Ha. Ha. After that, I don't think you are going to like this."
He breathed out. His voice was could literally cause ear cancer.
The already small glass cell I was in, got smaller.
Oh no.
My anxiety and claustrophobia all kicked in at once.
I related multiple times.
I banged my first against the glass.
"I'm sorry!"
I said with tears brimming at the edges of my eyes.
"Sorry isn't working here, sweetheart."
The albino hissed.
I sat down in the cell. Hot tears streaming down my face that contained light.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and started rocking myself. Losing all abilities to breath.
I had a anxiety/claustrophobia attack. And it wasn't good.
Lloyd yelled.
100% complete.
The computer announced.
All of Lloyd's power was gone. Everybody left the mech dragon to go attack the rest of the team. The dragon was diving towards the ocean. I crawled out of my cell to where Lloyd was. He was super weak.
"Are you okay?"
He asked me.
I nodded.
A soft smile spread across his lips.
"Good. Now let's get out of here."
I got up and he put his arm around my shoulder and we limped out of there. The dragon catching on fire. As soon as we out to the mouth, we both held onto a tooth.
My grip slipped.
I was taken back by the wind. Before I knew it a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"You can't get away from me that easy."
He laughed. I leaned in for a kiss as we were being thrown at rapid speeds towards the ocean. We connected. It was nice. It had been awhile.

That's it hope you enjoyed it!

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