Lloyd x Reader -office chair-

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In me and my boyfriend's shared apartment, we had an office chair. My laptop and office chair was in our living room back across from the couch.
I was on my laptop doing business, as in business, I mean Club Penguin. Best game ever. I entered a room, and my internet was being super slow. So I grabbed the edge of my desk, and spun around in my office chair.
My office chair was old, so, it naturally squeaked when I spun in it. My boyfriend, Lloyd, was laid across our couch watching a movie. Spider-Man Homecoming, my favorite movie. (Sorry if you don't like it. Also, Happy Early Birthday to Tom Holland)
The credits started rolling, when I spun around and saw it. I was spinning really fast by now, the squeak of the chair intensified.
Lloyd groaned from the couch.
I shouted from my squeaking chair.
"Can you quit kitten?"
He asked softly.
"I'm having fun."
I complained.
"Well, it's hurting my ears. I like hearing the end credits."
He answered.
I said nothing back and continued to spin in my chair. A few seconds later my chair came to a halting stop.
I looked up to see my boyfriend, in his Nirvana shirt, jeans, and converse. A pissed look written across his handsome features. He had his left hand in his blond bangs raised up in exasperation.
"You didn't quit."
He deadpanned.
I smiled up at him.
I answered.
He scooped me up from the chair and pulled me close.
Then he proceeded to swing his arms and throw me onto the couch.
I'm glad he didn't miss. That could've ended bad.
I groaned from the couch.
He came and joined me.
"I'm going to blast that chair later."
He grumbled.
I was laid across the couch.
He laid on top of me.
And started kissing passionately.
How could he ever be mad at me?
As the kissing got more intense, I squirmed under his weight. It was my sign to tell him, he weighed more than me.
He didn't take it.
And didn't stop kissing.
So I got my hands out of his hair, and trailed down to his chest.
And pushed him into the floor.
"Babe what was that for?"
He groaned.
I was laughing so hard on the couch I was crying.
"Are you okay?"
I asked between laughs.
"Yeah, but why did you push me?"
He questioned, looking up at me.
I leaned over the side of the couch, and looked at him.
"Because your heavy."
I stated blankly.
"You could've said something."
He complained.
"I tried."
I said shrugging.
He groaned.

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