Lloyd x Reader -set up-

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How you doin?

Me and Lloyd have been friends for years, along with our close friend Kai.
I had a huge crush on Lloyd. I told Kai about it one day.
"Hey Kai, can I tell you something?"
I asked while fiddling my thumbs.
He put down his phone and gave me his full attention.
Lloyd was out of the Bounty that day because he was with his mom and his dad. So I had the perfect opportunity to tell him.
"What's up?"
He asked as he started playing with his perfectly gelled hair.
"I need to get this off my chest, and since I can trust you, I trust you not to tell Lloyd."
A smile grew on his face but he tried to quickly hide it.
To prevent me from knowing something I already knew.
"I have this HUGE crush on Lloyd!"
I bluttered out.
It felt good to get off my chest. He burst out laughing. My eyes darted around the room nervously. I played with the hem of my shirt. I shouldn't have trusted him. He might be one of my best friends, but that doesn't mean I can trust him with my secrets.
I mustered up the courage to finally reply.
"Hilarious. What if I told Skylor you were head over heels for her? Huh?"
I taunted. It ensured he wouldn't tell. I blackmailed him.
His laughter stopped abruptly.
"You wouldn't."
He asked in a low voice.
"You wouldn't what?"
A voice cut in. I looked up alarmed to see Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon at the door.
"I wouldn't run away from an enemy attack!"
I blurted out way too fast. I totally sounded like it was cover up the truth.
~flashback end~
Confessing the truth to Kai a few months ago had made this dare all the more worse.
We were playing a harmless game of truth or dare when Kai poked a sensitive spot of mine.
"Truth or Dare?"
He asked, trying to provoke me into picking dare.
The provoking worked.
"Dare me Smith."
I breathed out. I was asking for a challenge being cocky.
"I dare you and Lloyd to pretend to be a couple for a week."
He grinned evilly.
Lloyd spit out his soda he was drinking all over the floor.
Making Zane pissed, but Lloyd wasn't the least bit concerned with Zane. He was more concerned with the dare at hand.
We couldn't chicken out if the dare wasn't too bad.
This was too bad.
He both yelled in unison.
I blushed and looked away, I couldn't see if Lloyd was doing the same but I sensed he was doing the same.
"Nope. You are both out of chickens!"
Kai smirked with pride.
He had it all figured out. I would've rather drank hot sauce than this.
I'm not saying that I don't like Lloyd or anything but I didn't want this circumstance.
"Anything specific we have to do?"
Lloyd huffed. Kai liked to add spicy details to his dares. He was one of the only ones who did that, but he used his details very specifically.
"You guys have to do everything a couple does. Kiss, hug, cuddle, maybe even-"
Lloyd cut Kai off before he could continue.
"Wow there buddy, my mind is still like 10 so no doing the frickle frackle yet? That's our own decision."
Lloyd declared. I smiled when he referred to us. Maybe we had an actual chance together?
The week went by really fast. Lloyd honestly didn't mind when we would cuddle. We lied multiple times throughout the week to Kai saying that we kissed in private. We never did. We figured out we liked each other.
It was the very last day of the challenge and Kai was coming in Lloyd's room (where I was) to declare the dare finished.
"I have to tell you something."
We said in unison. We both nervously laughed and looked away from the other one. We were both sitting on his plush bed. I started playing with the bed spread.
"Okay, me first."
Lloyd told me. I quit messing with the bedspread and made I contact. It showed respect, that I cared, and most importantly, that I was listening.
"I like you. A lot. Maybe even to the point of love. My young mind doesn't know that much yet but I'm pretty sure it's love."
He said awkwardly.
"I'm pretty sure it's love too. Cause I can feel it too."
I answered. Equally awkward. His emerald eyes sparked with happiness.
He said beaming.
I answered with a light blush.
He cupped his hand around my cheek. I put my hand on top and softly stroked it.
We closed the distance between us.
And I placed a soft kiss on his lips, which he returned.
Kai shouted from the doorway.
We quickly pulled away from each other, being surprised and flustered by Kai.
"Get out Kai."
Lloyd offered, making his hand a ball of energy.
"Get a room Lloyd. Geez."
He answered.
"We do have a room! You just happen to be in it!"
I sorta yelled at Kai.
His shoulders slumped.
"I guess your right. I'll leave you two to it."
He breathed out and slowly shut the door.
Once we heard the lock click, we resumed our kiss.

The door was thrown open by Kai yelling.
He slammed the door and took off running.
With an angry Lloyd and an equally angry me chasing him.

I hope you enjoyed this!

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