Jay x reader -that's you?-

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I've been watching too much YouTube, specifically JaidenAnimations and Theodd1sout. I'm a sucker for animation. YouTube is the inspiration for this.
Powers: nope. Your just a human. Powerless.
Yt/n- Youtube name, you a video game player, like a let's play channel. Can be real can or fictional. You've got an imagination.
Hi! That's the enthusiastic voice I use for my YouTube videos. I'm a Let's player, or more specific, Yt/n. I play video games, and people watch. I make money off YouTube which is surprising because it takes a lot of subscribers to make money. And I'm pretty famous. It's become harder to film since I live on the Bounty with the ninja. Yes, I live on the Bounty, with the ninja, but I'm just like there. I have no powers, I'm just a motivator. That's it. But I and Jay were close. I had this humongous crush on him. And he knows. (Unlike Lloyd 😆) I think he had feelings for me too. But I've never told him. It's not the cliché that I'm afraid our friendship is gonna end, cause it won't, we will still be friends after this. Like seriously why would it end? We were all in the small living room. The TV was playing some random movie that Zane was intrigued about. It was kinda funny seeing him so intrigued by it.
"Well, I'm going to my room."
I announced to the room as I got up and headed towards the hall to the rooms.
Zane turned from the TV,
"Are you not interested in the movie my friend?"
He asked in his regular robotic tone.
"Not really,"
I answered kinda shrugging.
I swiftly took off to my room before they could get suspicious. I could hear them talking from the living room.
"She's always in there."
Someone mentioned.
"Yeah, she practically only lives in there."
Another voice added.
I rolled my eyes. They all watched my content. They would watch it as a team. Cole being the least interested. I was just a voice instead of showing my face. I thought it was better than showing it. I was going to record audio. In the best place possible to do so. My Closet. It was tiny but very efficient. The audio and editing were all I needed. So I had to get to it. I took a deep breath ignoring the comments of the team.
"Hey, there my subs! It's Yt/n! Back at it again!"
I silently laughed to myself as my intro played. I heard shuffling and took off my headphones. Getting suspicious. I listened for a minute. Nothing.
Oh well. Just a figment of my imagination, after I'm a 19-year-old girl, making youtube videos from a closet. Most people actively record audio as they play the games, but I was different. I recorded my audio after playing. (And no I don't think you could actually do this in real life but go with it.)
I started talking again. Describing the sort of game I was playing, when it came out, and what it was about. I was violently cut off. My closet door swung open. Revealing little me with a microphone and tablet. I slowly looked up to who it was.
It was Jay.
He was like my number one fan.
He crawled inside the tiny, dark closet. It was like 7 minutes in heaven but, it wasn't. This was way different.
"So whatcha doing Y/N?"
He asked obviously playing dumb.
I rolled my eyes in the dark.
"Jay you would've never guessed I was in here unless you knew what you were doing."
I told him.
"You mentioned in one of your videos that this is how you record."
I mentally facepalmed. I'm an idiot.
There was this long and awkward silence.
Jay finally spoke.
"So Your Yt/N huh? Make lots of money?"
I silently laughed at this. The pay wasn't great since I didn't have as many subscribers as needed, to make amazing cash, but I made alright money.
I finally said.
"Well, this is awesome! The prettiest girl I know is my favorite YouTuber! I call that a win."
I blushed, even though he couldn't see.
"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself Bluebell."
This earned a laugh from us both.
"This reminds me of 7 minutes in heaven."
He said after we had stopped laughing. I nodded.
In the dark, I could see something moving. Probably his hands wildly moving from nerves. Nope. Nope, I was wrong. It was his head leaning in to kiss me. And I have no problem with this. It'll be fun to tell this story to my parents.
His lips were electrifying. Literally.
He broke it about after 10 seconds.
"Well, I'm glad to have you be my girlfriend."
I knew I was blushing so hard he could see it in the dark.
"You can be in this video if you'd like."
His face lit up at my comment.
I nodded.
"Just introduce yourself as my boyfriend don't use your name, the others need to keep my secret."
He smiled, then nodded.
He picked up your mic.
"Testing, 1, 2, testing."
He told the mic.
I laughed at this. I turned it on.
"Hi! I'm Yt/N's boyfriend! It's great to be here!"
That's how my YouTube channel became a 2 person channel.

Thanks for reading!

Ninjago OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora