Kai x reader -laser tag-

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Y/p- Your power of choice

"Got you."
He whispered.
-about 1 hour ago-
I paced around my room. Crushes? Why were they a thing! They could either benefit a person or hurt them. In my case, it was hurting me. I had a crush on another team member, Kai. He was by far the hottest. He had his perfect hair he didn't have to try for, stunning good looks that he threw around. He was the complete package, and I've been crushing on him ever since I joined the team. Which was about 2 years ago which made it worse. These harbored feelings were growing, stronger everyday. Maybe it was just that he looked at my and smiled. That made my heart literally explode. Of course not literally but it sure felt like it. While I was pacing around, the door was thrown open.
"Hey Y/N? We are going to laser tag, if you wanna come. Boys against girls."
Nya smirked. This snapped me out of my thought train.
"Uh...sure. But how's it going to work? There is literally 4 girls I can think of. You, me, Skylor, and Pixal."
I stated the obvious. I didn't like Skylor very much. Kai and her had a thing once, they might still have it, what do I know?
"We've already figured that out, Skylor is inviting a friend so the teams can be even."
Nya told me. I nodded.
"Okay. I'll go."
"Woo-hoo! Get ready we are leaving in 30 minutes."
She announced as she slammed my door and let me be. I sighed. What should I wear?
Thirty minutes later, I decided on a relaxed fit f/c t-shirt with some jean shorts, and my f/c pair of converse. Nothing fancy. We were literally playing laser tag. We all met on the deck of the bounty.
"Let's go!"
Announced Lloyd. We all summoned our dragons. Mine being a y/p dragon, I climbed on a swooped off into the sky. I noticed Pixal had climbed on with Zane, and Skylor with Nya. Better her than Kai.
We landed in the parking lot shortly afterwards. We all got off of our dragons casually and walked in. Zane discussed our reservations with the guy at the front desk. The lobby looked pretty normal for a laser tag place. They usually would have t-shirts and weird painted walls. Nope, this one just had a TV screen displaying times and prices. The walls were a boring beige. What if the team picked a lame laser tag place. That'd be lame. I blew off the thought. They knew what they were doing. The guy finished his conversation with Zane and we followed him through a black door. It revealed the place our vests were being held, and the place where the rules were explained. This place had black walls with neon pink and green paint splatters everywhere. The only light in the room was black light. Zane was the brightest thing you could see. After the rules were explained to us, we got our vests. We were team blue, and the boys were team red. Skylor's friend had just joined us, they were talking away while we all got our vests on.
"Let's destroy them Y/N."
Nya said grinning in the dark. Nya has worn mostly darker colors so she couldn't be seen in the dark. Smart, I wish I would've thought of that. The teams were lead to separate doors, to separate sides of the arena. This place was all place with some neon items, only being lit by black light again.
"The match will begin in 3...2...1....go!"
The announcer yelled over the intercom. We all split up. I went up the ramp to second floor, and hid in the middle where the little sniper spots where. It would be a lot harder playing laser tag with ninja. I saw a sensor from the opposing team and shot. The little victory sound, went off. It said I had shot Cole. I smirked. I creeped out of my little sniper spot to get a better look around, I couldn't see anybody around, so I walked across the upstairs platform. My vest sounded the defeat sound, I had been shot.
"Lloyd shot you!"
It read in blocky letters.
That kid was basically breed for laser tag. He was sneaky and knew how to hide in the shadows better than anybody else on the team. I ran to the little ramp going down to the first floor. I didn't obey the rules and ran, I do what I want. I saw Pixal running, I saw Zane illuminated by the black light.
She yelled at me. I started laughing and ran with her. I could hear Zane catching up.
I was suddenly jerked out of running and thrown against a wall.
"What the heck!"
I yelled at the person.
It took me a minute to make out who it was since they had me cornered in the dark. The person obviously had the other teams color on so it was one of the guys. My mind finally made out Who it was.
It was Kai.
"Got you."
He whispered to me.
He leaned in and kissed me.
Was this a fantasy? I ran the logistics in my mind. Nope defiantly real. As he leaned in even further to deepen the kiss, he lasted tag vest pushing up against mine, making me uncomfortable by the pressure. My face was heating up rapidly as the kids went on.
He finally broke away. Looked at me, gave me a lopsided smile He then proceeded to pick up his gun which was hanging from his vest and shot me. The little defeat sound played.
"You got shot by Kai!"
The blocky little letters read.
"See you later!"
He called as he ran away.

Wowowowow. I hope this is decent.

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