Chapter 34

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"kookie?" taehyung's soft voiced echoed into the bathroom. the male was surprised to see jungkook and yoongi on the floor. as soon as the two males spotted him they jumped up to their feet. taehyung just looked at them curious, but didn't question anything.

"any news?" yoongi asked eagerly. taehyung bit his lip and nodded. "the doctor told us he woke up but he can't talk." taehyung explained. yoongi nodded as he rushed out the bathroom. jungkook and taehyung followed.

yoongi practically ran down the hall way as he avoided doctors and other patients in his way. taehyung apologized to everyone yoongi bumped into. as soon as yoongi got to hoseok's room he stopped. he needed to prepare himself. taehyung came behind him and rubbed his shoulders. "it's okay." he whispered as he rested his head on his shoulder.

yoongi gulped as he opened the door. he first walked in to the other boys surrounding hoseok. jin turned around and stared at him. he tapped namjoon on the arm signaling for him to move. namjoon did so. yoongi saw hoseok.

he wanted to cry. and that's exactly what he did. hoseok was covered in bruises from head to toe. he had a black eye and a broken leg. and to top it all off he was freezing. yoongi let his tears fall freely as he walked up to him. "you fucking idiot!" he screamed as he caressed his face.

"so damn stupid made me fucking worry! you could've died hoseok! do you ever fucking think? why would you put this shit on me? why you dumb ass? tell me fucking why!" yoongi sobbed as he held onto hoseok tightly. he could see the guilt and worry in the boys eyes. yoongi felt bad that he was lashing out on the younger considering he couldn't reply.

"yoongi please, stop yelling." jin said as he leaned his head onto namjoon's shoulder. jungkook stepped up to yoongi and hugged him. taehyung watched them for awhile. but then he realized something. "wheres jimin?" taehyung asked. all the others came to a stop.

they didn't know. all of a sudden hoseok started coughing, very obnoxiously as if he was trying to tell the others something. namjoon noticed his hand shaking as he tried moving it. "what is it?" he asked as he walked closer. yoongi let go of jungkook and stared at him.

hoseok gathered enough strength to lift his hand and point to his jacket. yoongi walked over to the jacket that was wet and grabbed it. "the phone." he whispered as he grabbed the device from the pocket. yoongi turned it on a immediately went pale. "yoongi." taehyung whispered.

yoongi clenched the phone in his hand as he walked over to hoseok. "yoongi what is it?" jungkook asked as he grabbed the phone from his hand. jungkook opened the screen and read the devastating messages. "why?" he whispered. he passed the phone around to the others.

they were all as shocked as yoongi was. yoongi saw how hoseok had tears coming out of his eyes. he made whimper noises as if he was sobbing. he closed his eyes as he continued crying. yoongi sighed as he wiped his tears. he leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"i'll kill him." he whispered as his lips lingered there a bit. "he'll pay for ever making me want to hate you." he said. yoongi turned around. an evil glare came across him as he stared at the door. he walked towards it before he got tugged back by jungkook.

"this isn't the right choice. think about this yoongi." he said. yoongi pushes jungkook away. "you think jimin sending around death threats and asking hoseok to kill himself over me is fucking okay? you think that's normal thing for people to do huh? well i will tell you this jungkook it's not! so if i don't go and find that sick bastard right now i don't know what i will do!" yoongi yelled.

jungkook sighed. "calm down. we can find jimin tomorrow. you aren't in the right mind right now." he said. yoongi was fuming. his face was red and his fist were clenched. "stay here with hoseok tonight. try and make him feel better. let's all go home and get some rest. we need it." taehyung suggested. everyone nodded in agreement but yoongi.

"i think you two should stay just in case he tries anything stupid." jungkook whispered to namjoon and jin. the two nodded. "me and jungkook will bring you guys clothes. and we'll check on you. please just sleep the day off and help hoseok get better." taehyung said.

jungkook grabbed taehyung by his hand and led him to the door. the two males looked back at the boys before they walked out.


"jimin is still a bitch that we been knew." jungkook said as he stared at taehyung who folded some shirts and pants into a bag. taehyung didn't answer him. jungkook cocked his head to the side in worry. "baby what's wrong. taehyung didn't answer him. only quiet whimpers left his mouth. jungkook noticed and came from behind him, hugging him.

"what's wrong tae?" he asked as he kissed his neck. taehyung stopped folding the clothes as he sobbed silently. "w-why does every one try and hurt people?" he said between sobs. "f-first jimin a-and then your brother and now j-jimin again! why is it like this with us kook? what did we do?" taehyung asked as he turned around and sobbed into jungkook's chest.

"baby it's okay calm down. we still have each other yeah. that's what's important." jungkook said as he kissed his forehead. it was silent between the two as only taehyung's sniffles filled the room. "jungkook." taehyung said as he pulled away.

jungkook replied to him with a hum. "these past few months has really taught me something. if you make one bad decision you can loose everything. even the closest people too you." taehyung said. "what are you saying tae?" jungkook asked.

"you need to let your loved ones know that you love them. that you won't leave them. that you will always be there no matter what and no matter what happens. you just need to love them." taehyung said. "and that's why," he started.

"i want you to make love to me."

y'all this book is almost done. i wanna say three more chapters left 😔

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