Chapter 22

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Taehyung turns around seeing a grumpy Wonwoo stomp towards him. Wonwoo grabs Taehyung by the arm and pulls him into the room. Taehyung smirked as he knew the plan worked.

"Can you get off of me." Taehyung said pulling his hand out the elders grip. "What the fuck Taehyung." Wonwoo growled. Taehyung smirked as he walked closer to the male. "Aww are you jealous? That the one you want was taken by someone else? It really sucks since it was your brother." Taehyung said sarcastically in a pouty voice.

Taehyung knew that they actually didn't have sex but Wonwoo didn't know that all he knew well mostly heard was the nosies. But what Taehyung didn't know is that what him and Jungkook did didn't mean anything to Taehyung. Yes he enjoyed it but he really wanted to get back at Wonwoo for messing with him. Especially if he knew Jungkook liked him.

"You nasty slut! Why would you do that." Wonwoo screamed angrily pushing Taehyung into the wall. Taehyung heart stopped as he didn't expect this to happen. "W-Wonwoo I'm not yours I'm not anyone's at the moment just please let go!" Taehyung said pushing at the older but he then got his wrist grabbed.

Wonwoo pinner Taehyungs wrist at the top of the wall and stared at him intensely.

Please don't come in
Please don't come in

That's what chanted through taehyungs mind hoping that Jungkook or anyone would not come into the room. "I don't fucking like you Wonwoo. Never did and never will!" Taehyung finally pushed him off of him and stomped over to the door.

Before he opened it he heard a low chuckle from behind. He turned around because he felt offended at the mocking. "Baby boy, you really believe I won't tell Jungkook about this? How you only used him to get back at me?" Taehyung gulped as he looked down at the ground.

"Please don't." He said is a whisper. Wonwoo laughed a little. "I knew you two liked each other but I didn't know you were a thing." He said crossing him arms. "We aren't! We are friends with benefits." Wonwoo started rolling on the floor busting out laughing. "That's fucking low Taehyung you guys aren't even dating!? My brother liked you since you were kids. How desperate do you need to be to do such a thing to him." Wonwoo said.

"Are you kidding me! How desperate do you have to be you hypocrite! You know Jungkook loves me and you still want me! Just leave me the hell alone and don't tell him anything." Taehyung commands. "Baby it doesn't work like that." Wonwoo said stepping closer. "Stop calling me that. It's disgusting coming from you." Taehyung growled.

"I won't tell him anything if you pretend to like me." Wonwoo said. "What no way." Taehyung said turning away. Wonwoo grabbed his wrist and pinned him once again to the wall. "Babe I'm giving you a chance here. I'm sure my family doesn't know you and Jungkook have this benefit thing or some shit. But if you pretend to like me they will get off the case that guys will ever be together." Wonwoo explained.

"I would never betray Jungkook like that. And what kind of brother are you to do that to him!" Taehyung yelled. "You're sick! I don't want you!" Taehyung pushed Wonwoo but the grip on his wrist only tightened. "Taehyung listen to me damnit! I'm giving you a chance! Just fucking like me and I won't tell Jungkook."

Taehyung looked down at the floor. He didn't want Jungkook to know anything. He hated to admit it but this was his only choice. He didn't want this to happen after all the dry humping too. "Fine." He muttered. Wonwoo stepped back in satisfaction. "We start at dinner." He said.

Taehyung looked at him with teary eyes. "I hate you." He said looking at the older with disgust. "How could you do this to him! To me! Your family all the shit you're gonna put them through after this drama unfolds! I don't want Somin to be apart of that!"

"Shut up!" Wonwoo said pushing Taehyung. Taehyungs back hit the wall harshly and he began to cry. Wonwoo cupped his jaw tightly and looked him straight in the eye. "My family has nothing to do with you right now. That's a problem for later. Right now all you have to worry about is liking and being with me got that petal." Wonwoo released his grip on Taehyungs jaw and looked at him.

He has tear stained cheeks and his nose and lip is rosy from crying. "So beautiful yet so pathetic. It's only a punishment baby. You shouldn't have never betrayed me. And most importantly my brother. He would want nothing to do with you after this. You and me both know that." And with that Wonwoo walked out the door.

Taehyung sat in the room crying in disbelief. He was so disappointed in himself. "I'm sorry Jungkook." He said to himself crying silently.

"I still love you."

And shit has begun 🙏

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