Chapter 17

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"Hey what do you say we go to busan and visit my family."

The sentence alone made Taehyung choke on his words. "What! V-Visit your family? Why?!" Taehyung hit Jungkook with a bunch of questions about why he wanted them to see his family.

"Because I haven't seen them in awhile and neither have you. What's the big deal my family loves you." Jungkook said smiling at the thought of his family. "I don't know Jungkook."

It wasn't that Taehyung didn't like his family, in fact mr and mrs. Jeon couldn't have been a better second family for Taehyung. They both love Taehyung just as much as they love Jungkook. It was Jungkooks brother that made Taehyung question.

"Come on Tae my mom and dad miss you and I'm sure Somin and Wonwoo misses you too." Taehyung smiled at the thought of somin. It was Jungkooks baby sister she was 7 at the moment now. But he shivered at Wonwoos name.

Wonwoo gave him a strange vibe like a.. sexual vibe you could say. Wonwoo would always flirt what it seemed like to Taehyung. And Taehyung was just scared he would try something.

"Please Tae for me." Jungkooks eyes glistened when he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung didn't have the heart to say no to him. "Stupid bunny, fine I'll go."

"Yay! Thank you so much Taehyung we should get packing." Taehyung eyes widened, "packing? When are we leaving." Jungkook turned around and faced Taehyung.

"Why this afternoon of course."

*Time Skip*

It's now 2pm in the afternoon and both the boys are packed for busan (kinda crying while writing this cause it reminds me of train to busan and that movie makes me SOB)

"Ready?" Jungkook asks taking his and Taehyungs bag. "Y-Yea." Taehyung stuttered looking down at his shoes. Jungkook didn't know why Taehyung was nervous so he decided to ask.

"Hey why so nervous baby?" Taehyungs heart fluttered just at the pet name. "I don't know I just haven't seen them in awhile and I don't know what to expect." Taehyung half truths. "Don't worry they love you Tae." Jungkook said pressing a kiss to Taehyung forehead.

"Now let's go we don't want to miss the train."

*Another Time Skip cause I'm lazy*

"Ah busan." Jungkook took a deep breath in as he smelt the air. "I missed this place." Jungkook said kind of sadly.

Taehyung looked at his and put his arm around his. "Don't worry we're here now." He reassured. Jungkook smiled at him and thanked him. "Now let's get going."


"Jungkook don't be nervous." Taehyung said as Jungkook hand started shaking while he was reaching for the door. "I'm not you are and- and I don't know I didn't even tell them we were coming and-."

"You what! Why didn't you tell them? We came uninvited what if there is something going on and we just came and-." "Tae! Don't worry nothing is happening I just wanted to surprise them. And I can't wait to tell them about our deal-."

"No no nuh uh nope! I may have agreed to come but we are not telling them about this whole benefit thing until we make it official." Taehyung declared. "But Tae-." "No buts we aren't telling them."

Jungkook sighed in defeat and agreed to not tell them. "Ok now let's do this." Jungkook said knocking on the door. It was silent for a few seconds and the two boys anxiety grew with every passing moment. But soon enough they heard the door click and open.

"Jungkook?" Mrs. Jeon smiled her familiar bunny smile at the two boys. "Taehyung! Jihun get your ass out here Jungkook and Taehyung are here!" Taehyung and Jungkook laughed at her.

"Yah Hyjin why so loud- Jungkook?" Jungkook smiled so wide when he seen his appa. "Eomma Appa I've missed you." Jungkook said as he hugged the two. "We've missed you too son oh my look how big you are since the last two years!" His Eomma said.

"And Taehyung oh my god look how good you look! Hm but a little skinny yah Jungkook are you feeding him?" Hyjin joked slapping his arm lightly. "Hi Hyjin I missed you." Taehyung said smiling.

They all stared at each other for a a minute. "Oh come inside it's getting cold." Hyjin said pushing the boys inside.

Inside you can see Somin playing with her dolls on the floor. She looked up, her bunny smile that shined the whole place lit up. "Bunny!" She yelled running up to her brother. Jungkook picked her up and twirled her around kissing her hair.

"Somin I missed you!" Jungkook said embracing her in a huge hug. She hugged him right back until she seen Taehyung. She practically jumped out of Jungkooks arms and ran to him. "TaeTae!!" She screamed jumping into taehyungs arms.

In the process he fell down but he didn't care, he really missed this family. "Somin how are you." He said looking up at her. "Oppa I've been good but I'm even better because you and bunny are here!" She screamed happily.

"Yah Jeon Somin get off of him." Hyjin said grabbing Somin off Taehyung. Jihun apologized for her behavior but he said it was ok, she was only excited.

"Where's Wonwoo? Is he home I know he went to Daegu for a few months." Jungkook asked setting there bags on the ground.

"Yes he's in his room actually he should be coming out in a minute." Jihun said. "Oh my god I'm so happy you guys are home. I'm going to cook dinner for we can all sit down and catch up." Hyjin said.

"Eomma that's not necessary we can just go out." Jungkook offered but she denied. "No it's fine I bet you and Taehyung haven't had a home cooked meal in awhile have you?" Both boys shook their heads. "Great then I'll start dinner."

Hyjin waked to the kitchen Jihun following her. Somin went back to playing with her dolls. "I'm going to use the bathroom, can you put the bags in my room?" Jungkook asked.

"Yea sure." Taehyung said taking the bags. Taehyung walked down the hallway towards Jungkooks room. It looked just like the one in Seoul before the moved to busan. He missed Jungkook during that period when they went through the process of moving but he was happy when he came back.

He put down the bags and was about to head out when he heard a door close. He turned around to see his worst fear.

"Hey Tae."
Ayooo it's your bitch missed me? Soooooo bts is coming to New Jersey and I live in New Jersey but I'm not going AND I WANNA CRY but you know at least we are breathing the same air 🤷‍♀️. Anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for all the reads and votes I love you. Byeee!!

-Gen 💗

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