Chapter 26

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Jungkook said bye to his family a couple minutes before he arrived to the hospital. He makes his way up to the girl at the counter and gives her his brother last name. She tells him the room number and floor and he marches up to the room with balled fist. He doesn't even spare the doctor a glance as he stormed into his brothers room.

He say Wonwoo on his bed with big bruises all over his face. He smirks to himself proudly at the damage he's done. "Brother." Wonwoo said sitting up. Jungkook walks closer to him looking at his face was squinting eyes. Wonwoo looks at him confused. Before he could say anything Jungkook punches him in the face again.

"I should've killed you." Jungkook said holding him by the collar. Wonwoo was so weak he couldn't do anything. He was actually scared this time. Jungkook put his hands up to his brothers neck choking him a bit. Wonwoo eyes got teary "if I see you near him, touch him, or even breath around him Wonwoo, I'll make sure I'll do more damage then what it is now." Jungkook tightens the grip around his neck with each word.

Wonwoo face starts to turn blue as tears roll down his eyes. Jungkook heard something going on behind Wonwoos back. He peaks around to see that Wonwoo is paging a nurse. He smirks at him. "Pathetic." He said. "Me and Taehyung are leaving today. I just want you to know our relationship is forever ruined." Jungkook said. He harshly let's go of  Wonwoos neck. Wonwoo gasped for air holding his neck coughing.

Jungkook looks a him. He feels no guilt. He feels proud at himself. Wonwoo stares at him shaking a bit. "You should know brother." Wonwoo choked out. "Don't test me." Jungkook warns. Wonwoo smirked. "I'm not testing you Jungkook. All I'm doing is telling you that truth. And the truth is Taehyung doesn't want you. He never will. And you don't deserve him." Wonwoo said smiling devilishly.

Jungkook was about to hit him again before. Security came into the room. She struggles in there grip as they pull him out the room. Before the door closes he sees Wonwoo wave slowly.


"He ducking waved Taehyung. He just never learns!" Jungkook yells throwing his clothes in his suitcase. Taehyung flinches as he watched Jungkook aggressively pack his clothes. "Jungkook I'm fine and we are leaving you don't need to be angry anymore." Taehyung said. "No Taehyung I do. I really fucking do. You know I'm so scared to admit it cause I'll just ruin this even more." Jungkook said sighing not even sparing Taehyung a glance.

"Admit what?" Taehyung said softly touching jungkook's arm in hope to calm him down. "I don't want to say it Taehyung not now. Not ever. I don't want it to be true." Jungkook said shaking Taehyung hand off of him. Taehyung stares at him. "What is wrong with you! Just because you are angry with Wonwoo doesn't mean you have to be nasty with other people!" Taehyung yells.

"I'm not angry with Wonwoo!" Jungkook quickly replies back. "I'm angry with us! With this! I just knew- maybe he was-." Taehyung tears up. "Say it Jungkook. Just fucking say it." He warns tears falling down his face. "I don't want to." Jungkook said. "You do. But you're afraid. But you know you're right." Taehyung said. "You don't even know what I'm talking about Taehyung just shut it!" Jungkook screams.

Taehyung is taken aback from his behavior. "Who even are you anymore." Taehyung said. "What are we Taehyung. I just can't keep putting your feelings first anymore." Jungkook said tears swelling into his eyes. "What do you mean my feelings?" Taehyung asked. "You want to wait. That's why we have this whole benefit thing. But if you just listened to me and trusted me none of this would've happened." Jungkook explained.

"So this is all my fault? Cause I wasn't ready to date you! How selfish can you be Jeon Jungkook? Honestly that is so ridiculous!" Taehyung scoffs. "You're right. Maybe my feelings towards you are ridiculous. I am so wrong to love." Jungkook said crying. Taehyung stares at him guilty. "So wrong to think that we could actually work. So wrong to put you first again! It's my fault. It's my damn fault Taehyung. I was just wrong to even love you."

Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes. "Jung-." He got cut off. "No Taehyung. You said it yourself. This is ridiculous this whole thing." Jungkook said zippering up his suitcase and putting it on the ground. "Please stop let me explain." Taehyung said grabbing him. Jungkook pushed him away but Taehyung kept his guard. "Stop fighting me and listen to me!" Taehyung yelled hitting him.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyungs hands harshly. He looks him dead into his eyes saying these words that Taehyung never wanted to hear.

"Maybe everything we did and everything I've done for you was a mistake."

not proof read sorry for the mistakes if there is any i was so stressed writing this it was so many distractions and i really wanted to get a chapter out for you guys.

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