Chapter 9

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I updated to books today hELL YeS 👏🏻👏🏻

Taehyung was broken. He never had a day where he was without Jungkook. He misses him.

Right now he was at his apartment with Jimin. He told him he was fine and could leave but Jimin didn't listen.

"Taehyung?" Jimin said.

They were very far away from each other on the couch they were both sitting at. Taehyung looked uncomfortable.

"D-Do you want me to hold you or something?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung looked up at Jimin with his big doe eyes and nodded.

Jimin made his way toward Taehyung and put his arm around him while his other pushed Taehyung waist towards his.

It would be an understatement to say Taehyung was uncomfortable, but he needed someone.
Over on Jungkooks side he really really missed the older.

Right now he was on his living room couch his knees up to his head as he searched threw the tv channels.

He wasn't really paying attention to whatever show he had put on. He was thinking about Taehyung.

"I should call him." He said to himself.

He grabbed his phone and looked for the olders contact and pressed it.
Ring Ring

Taehyung phone went off.

Jimin finally got him to stop crying. But once he seen the caller idea quiet sobs were heard throughout the apartment.

"Just let it ring Taehyung it's alright." Jimin said.

And that's what Taehyung did. He wanted to talk to the younger really bad, but Taehyung being himself was obedient and listened.

"Jimin we have 2 months left." Taehyung said.

"What who?" Jimin questioned.

"Me and Jungkook. I never told you this but we are like a friends with benefit kinda thing. That's why I said we were really close that day. And Jungkook promising when we were younger that he would protect me he became a little possessive of me. Over the years we grew to fall in love with each other, and he wants me to be his. I'm just scared of commitment. So we have a certain date on when I can say yes to me being his. But I'm afraid that's over." Taehyung explained.

It was a lot to take in for Jimin but he listened to every word.

"Well Taehyung maybe you guys just weren't meant to be." Jimin said.

"Please don't say that Jimin I really do love him."

Jimin felt like his heart got stabbed a thousand times.

Jimin cleared his throat and let go of Taehyung.

"I think I should leave." Jimin said getting up brushing his hands on his pants.

"What no, don't leave me I don't want to be alone." Taehyung said grabbing Jimins hand.

That gave Jimin an idea, he smirked.

"I won't leave... unless you kiss me." Jimin said.

Taehyungs eyes widened. He was not going to give him a kiss.

"No- I just met you and I love Jungkook I just need someone to stay with me-."

Taehyung was cut off by Jimin jumping onto him.

"I said kiss me." Jimin whispered into Taehyungs ear.

"Get off me!" Taehyung yelled trying to push Jimin off.

To his surprise Jimin was pretty strong.

Jimin grabbed Taehyungs hands and pinned him to the back of his head.

He then attacked Taehyungs neck.

"J-Jimin, get the h-hell off!" Taehyung said struggling under his touch.

"Help! Help! Hel-."

"Don't say another word." Jimin said covering Taehyungs mouth with his hand.

Taehyung gave up. He started crying very loud.

All of a sudden his front door was knocked down.

"Get the fuck off of him!" Jungkook yelled grabbing Jimin and punching him in the face.

Jimin got the wind knocked out of him and stammered back into the wall. He touched his bloody lip and smirked.

"Just so you know Jungkook, this won't be the last you seen of me." Jimin said before running out the apartment.

Jungkook wanted to go after him but he needed to help Taehyung.

"Baby." He said walking over to him.

"H-He t-t-tried to make m-me k-kiss h-him!" Taehyung stammered grabbing Jungkook into a death hug.

"Baby shh I'm here I'll kill him later." Jungkook chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm- sorry I hurt you." Taehyung said his sobs quieting.

"Baby I'm sorry for overreacting." Jungkook said running his hand through Taehyung hair.

"I should of stayed away from Jimin liked you ask and I'm so stupid and we would of never been in this mess if I hadn't-."

Jungkook kissed his for a couple seconds.

"You talk to much." He said as he detached this lips from Taehyungs.

Taehyung just blushed and pushed his head further into Jungkooks chest.

"How did you find me anyway?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

"Find my iPhone is one of the best thing known to man." Jungkook told him.

Taehyung just smiled at how silly Jungkook is.

"What are we gonna do about my door?" Taehyung asked.

"Shhh let's just enjoy the moment."
Idk how I feel about this chapter but here you people go. I promise that I will be getting them on a date or something and should I do a smut soon? Idk you tell me. Okay hoped you enjoyed bye.

-Gen ❤️

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