Chapter 36

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(Sharon's POV)

After  my conversation with tess and sheila who joined in on the call, we agreed to meet at the caffei. We had agreed that there was no point in hiding because he Dean already smoked us out . The city was even safer in comparison to Nakuru.

I wanted to go alone but I got paranoid somewhere in the middle of the night. So, I woke them up in the and dragged them miles and miles over here.

We had spent half the day storying and getting chastised for all the sins I had committed in the past three years. We were at the caffei stuffing our faces with food, we had gone swimming and then we went to the park,After Jason had cried for it. We decided to give him a fifteen minute but we ended up staying for forever. It was until Sheila's ears stood up.

"What?" I had asked casually.

"I may be wrong, but I think we are being followed." Sheila whispered,   that we almost couldn’t hear. I took Jason and pretended to spin him around when I noticed a guy in cream suit. He looked mid thirty give or take. His hair was neatly combed to the back  a good portion of his face was covered by a huge pair of black shades and the paper he suddenly started to read after he realized that we had spotted him.

I sat back down and tried to be subtle, "you you are right. ” I noticed that man at the caffei, swimming pool and now here? And all the time he was reading the old looking newspaper. What were the odds?

"What if it is just by chance?” Tess shrugged eating chocolate cupcakes that sheila had brought for Jason, that I ordered him not to eat. Sheila hadn't known that I knew all along about her small smuggling operation every time she visited me. She would sneek sweets to Jason and I would be the one to deal with the sugar rush. "These are great, I don't know why my only nephew is not eating this with me." I gave her a stun look.

She did not care. Sheila was always carefree. Especially after she successfully finished her tykwondoo lesson. The little miss greedy could not care about anything. I once was the same as she, but ever since I had Jason, things changed. Anything that might be a threat to my son, I didn’t take so lightly. . “Who would want to follow us? Your husband is in Nakuru. Very far from the here. ”Tess finally spoke.

"Of course he is the one. He probably hired that goon to follow us around. He got tired of doing it himself. “I spat anger stirring in me. I even found myself biting one of the cupcakes that I had no idea how I had gotten in my hand. I was more than angry.

So then I don't get to have privacy? Not even a girl's out? He...he was crossing the line. "Sheila would you help me with your brother's new personal phone number?"

"Sure." She smiled like she just heard the most amusing thing. She took my phone and dialed the number that she knew by heart.

"It is becoming creepy . . . why are you stalking us?” I asked once he picked up the phone.

"I don't know what you are talking about. ” I could almost see him smirking. He was that immature. "You should probably run if you are being followed" he added chuckling. Was he making fun of me?

That only sold him out because he would have been worried. He hung up a few seconds later and the man just vanished. I was still trying to wrap my head around the creepiness of the situation. How could someone just decide to keep tabs on another grown up? Then  my phone beeped and I unlocked the screen quickly

Dean: At least I get to have my wife's phone number. "That was what the text read. Unbelievable right?

I sneered at Dean’s text. He was impossible. I didn't even bother texting back.

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