Chapter 6

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(Dean's Pov)

I hated that Sharon had been flunking in every course she took. Even communications, which was her favorite, had a D. I knew she was going through something and I didn't want to push her to tell me, if she was not ready to spill. But, whatever it was, she had to take a timeout and focus on her education first. She was a brilliant lady, and I planned on bringing that back.

Since we reconnected, I felt alive.With her by myself, I felt strong enough to take on the world . It was us against the world. And we prepared for that by studying, hard and smart. I even had to move back to the hostel to make it easier to study from the school library till late, if we had too. The other reason is that I wanted to be close to her all the time.

I had asked her to move in with me, a few days after she agreed to take me back, but she refused. Her excuse was that we would be late for school.I knew she loved being back and had alot to make up for, but I had a car. "But I have a car" I had reminded softly, chuckling.

"I know but traffic is usually a bitch in the morning." She had replied. I didn't want to argue so I let it go. I had only gotten her back-she still didn't even feel comfortable hugging me-and I didn't want to rush her. Besides, it would have been weird for her to sleep in the same room I had slept with other girl(s).

As I dropped her to her hostel, I couldn't help but wonder why she had decided to move back to the school compound.She didn't even have her own room.

Sharon was staying with her other friend, Caroline. She was also my friend and had gotten mad at me for breaking up with Sharon before. She stopped talking to me completely. After she learnt that we were back, she had threatened to castrate me if I ever hurt her again. I thought that after she made me cross my heart and hope to die, that it was enough, I was wrong.

Every day when I dropped Sharon off she would glare daggers at me. I didn't think she trust me. But I still had to go there. To show her that she could trust our ship.

"Do you still talk to Naomi?" Caroline had asked in barely a whisper. I didn't know what to say.
"Are you still grilling me? Carol I... "

"Just answer the question." She interrupted. I shut my mouth and took a seat, my mind raced back to the past.

Naomi had left a day after we ran into Sharon at the club. I remembered. She had woken up early that morning, she made breakfast and came to the couch where I had barely slept . She looked relieved and happy and I remember being confused. Wasn't she mad at me for sticking up for Sharon?

Her face turned stoic when she opened her mouth, "Dean, I know I am happy with you, and you happy are somehow happy too. But I feel like we can be happier separately. I have seen you with her, Sharon, before, I saw you last night and I know in my heart that she is the one for you. I was just comfort food."She laughed." Dean I don't want to be one of those women who force things-I don't want to be a selfish bitch. So, I am setting you free. Right after I finish these and this. " Naomi had pointed at the plate full of pancakes then a coffee.

She sat properly and started biting the sweet goodness and I couldn't stop admiring her. Her level of maturity had left me dumbfounded. She saved me the laborious task of explaining to her things, and we consequently avoided the awkward emotional sobs, not to mention the colorful profanity that usually came from the girls. I had had my enough share of those. Particularly, from Zhela.

"Have you talked to her?" Naomi had asked casually during the meal that she did not plan on sharing with me. I quickly reached for one pancake, feeling uncomfortable. I knew she set me free, but It was still weird to discuss my relationship with her. What if she was tricking me? What if she just wanted to find out if I was cheating?

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