Chapter 5

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It was exactly two in the morning when I finally got into my apartment. I hadn't said a word to kelvin no matter how many times he tried to speak to me.He had the nerve to ask me to sleep over. Can you believe him? How could he do that to me?

I didn't want to stay a second with him, I would rather do the walk of shame a million times over, than be in the same room as he. All I wanted to do was take another shower.

I didn't even stop him from following me inside since I didn't want to talk to him.

"I am sorry" he yelled again. I had lost count of the number of times he had said those words to me and quite frankly, I never even began the counting in the first place. It was simple, I was never going to forgive him. And I was going to kill him.

"I am..." I slammed the bedroom door in his face. Tess was fast asleep but she stirred when Kelvin banged on the door. "Come on I am sorry, I was drunk. Please, forgive me." He yelled, still banging.

"What's going on?" Tess asked, sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

I couldn't hold the emotions down anymore, "Please, get him out of here. I am begging you." I ran to the bathroom feeling sick.

I brushed my teeth till I could smell blood, I turned on hot water and scrubbed my body and I did not stop until my skin was burning. And even then I could smell him on me. He should have just killed me. I mean he did kill me, but ripping out my heart or head would have been a far merciful death than what he put me through.

I was constantly in and out of consciousness but my mind was awake the entirely time. Every time I closed my eyes, I could still feel him, I could still hear his whisper that he wanted to show me how much he loved me.
How on earth was abusing me, love?

I took another three hours crying in front of the mirror. When I walked out, Tess wasn't in the room. I had planned on hiding before she saw my pain, but then I remembered that I had sent him to throw Kelvin out . I also remember that Kelvin constantly threatened to hurt her-pretty much the reason I stuck with him all that time - so I started to panic.

I got out of bed but before I could take a step, she walked through the door. I fought the urge to hug her and quickly hid behind the quilt.
"What the hell? I had to threaten to call the cops to get rid of him."What is going on?"

"It is nothing, can we talk in a few days?" I said and since I was extra exhausted, I passed out right away.

Days later

I hadn't told anything to Tess yet since she hadn't asked. I knew she was dying to ask, but she didn't want us to argue, again.

I had to talk to her before I went completely insane. I had to say sorry for the bullshit that I had thrown at her when she tried to care-She had once tried to pry the truth about the bruises she saw on my skin and I yelled at her. She did not give up, she tried every day after that and I threatened to disappear if she asked any more questions. I thought I could bury it and move on, but I was wrong. The secret was eating away at me, killing me gradually.

So I decided to tell her what that psychopath did to me. I couldn't get the incident of my mind.There was no way I would close my eyes without seeing Kelvin on top of me,hurting me.

I walked out of the bathroom, straight to her bed, "Can we talk?" I asked sitting down. I ignored the pain I was feeling all over and the deafening sound of my heartbeat. "I saw Dean." I continued, even before she could give me a response.

"That explains the fight between you and Kelvin the other day. Then ?" she asked smiling from ear." I am so happy for you, the two of you need to talk, and you need to find closure." she said happily giving me the dollar smile I had missed so much. I felt my lips forming into a genuine smile but I couldn't stop tears from rolling down my face. I thought I could just wipe it away and lie that they were tears of joy, but I couldn't fool her. Tess knew me better than most people, thusly, she noticed the sadness that was eating me alive. "Don't tell me Dean is married or, Dead.Kelvin did not kill him di..."

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