Chapter 31

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(Deans POV).
"Where is Sharon?"  I had asked Tess for the gazillionth  time to no avail.

I had tried to persuade her to clue me in where I could find my estranged wife, but Tess wouldn't budge. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I didn't believe Sharon and I were meant to end that way. I refused to even entertain the thought of not seeing her again, because Sharon and I were fated to grow gray together.

No matter what everyone else told me, I couldn't stop looking for my love. It had been three years since  Sharon walked out of my life and vanished into the thin air. I had searched everywhere money could take me, but I hadn't been able to find her.

I had been stalking Tess and it was by luck that I found her sneaking home after dodging me at the police station-She had just filed restraining order number ten against me and accused me of harassing her. The pieces of paper had not done it for her so far, so she lured me to the precinct.She disappeared and while I was trying to find her, Patrick came out of nowhere and knocked me off my target.

I managed to shake Patrick off in time to see his girlfriend zooming away. I knew she would have it out for me so I got a cab to tail her. It was evident that she was going home, so I got there first. I stood at the gate for about five minutes before I saw her car.

I didn't step out of the way when she signaled for me to and that got her out of the car. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled after banging the door shut.

She charged at me but stopped a few feet away. "Why are you even here, is blocking your ass too subtle to make you know that I don't like you? I am tired."

"Then tell me where Sharon is. In which country is she?" I begged,almost groveling.

"I thought you had the best private detectives money can buy." She mocked. That reminded me of the day I had thrown that sentence to her face, when I had asked for Sharon and she refused to tell me. "Get out of my way Dean or I swear, I will run you over. " She threatened. "You are not supposed to be near me remember?"

"Just have mercy on me. Where is my wife? ” I pleaded.

“I don't know where She is. We haven't talked in a VERY, long time and please, do me a favor and don't bother me again. Three years of your nagging is exhausting. ” Tess yelled

"How can you not know? You were the last person she was with. I followed you two to your house."

"Oh, now I remember.  she went to buy something for that huge bruise you left on her and never came back. Dean, we know you have people following us, if we knew where she was don't you think you would have already found her? She is my best friend, you actually think I would stay away from her for that long? " She was was lying.

"Tess, you of all the people know how much I love Sharon. Obviously I didn't hurt her on purpose."

"Yeah, I am quite familiar with that term already. Like you didn't mean to cheat in her?" She bewailed getting into her white BMW. She threw me a dirty look before driving off to god knows where, splashing me some dirty water from the portholes in front of her home. I racked my hair in despondency.

I needed to find Sharon as soon as possible. She needed to know I never cheated on her. Not even once, while we were married. Everything that had happened was just a ploy to separate us. And like an idiot, I had let our enemies win. I stupidly fell for Zhelas trap, and lost the love of my life.

Why couldn’t I find it her? Where was she?  Those words kept me up, every night and day.

It was like Sharon vanished from the face of the earth. I regret having gotten carried away that tragic morning. As I sat at the gates of her home, my mind raced back into the events of that past. 

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