chapter 1

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(Sharon pov)
"Who the hell is Zhela?” I asked myself going through his phone. I was not the snooping type but that day I just found myself doing it. I know I gave myself lessons about going through “my guy's" phone but there I was, bold with curiosity which was the size of Mount Everest... I read through his text messages and felt like throwing up. “This, lady, is is an ingredient for heartache.” a tiny voice at the back of my head warned. Or maybe that tiny voice was from my heart.It cared about my heart. I paused for a while.

"Nah, seeing is believing" a curious part of me encouraged, trust me that voice came out of nowhere.My head started throbbing due to tag of war inside there. The protective me wanted to just stop, but the curious me, kicked by brains in the guts and forced me to look. They say curiosity killed the cat and there I was killed by my curious self. I wished I didn't snoop. I wanted to unsee everything I had seen but it was too late.

How could he do that to me? How could he just cheat on me like that? I looked at him with tears behind my eyes.My stomach churned from the pain and shock. He looked so innocent talking, but he could not fool me anymore. I knew what he was, nothing but wolf in sheep’s skin. I laid down to hide my teary eyes so no one could see me cry, especially the jerk behind it
and here I thought you said you would never cry for a guy who by the way is not even your god damn husband” came that voice that pushed me to look. Now it was mocking me. I bet it was not any of my was from the devil. He liked to destroy, he destroyed me and was enjoying my anguish. I shut my eyes letting tears roll down my cheeks. It hurt badly because the award of the year for the faithful girlfriend goes to me. God knew how good I had been to him. I respected whatever the hell we had so hard I couldn't stand having another man next to me.
I listened to them talking and sobbed a little more. He behaved like he had not done something absolutely contemptuous. Like he didn't fucking bone his neighbor three days ago. “I am not talking to that dumbass ever again!” I said with finality.

"Whoa! Sharon is quiet today. We should celebrate for this achievement "Dean said to his friends, Prichard and joseph, whom they have been storying with for the better part of the afternoon. I shrunk more underneath Prichard’s duvet praying that he didn’t lift it to see my tears-stained cheeks.

"That is WEIRD!” Prichard teased stressing on the last word. He poked me when I did not react but still I didn't move a muscle. He poked me again and I shrugged not letting my head out. What the hell did they take me for? A blubber mouth? I could also not talk.

"Sharon?" Dean called but I did not say a word.

"Are you tired?"
Seriously what was wrong with that dude, he just shagged another woman and  now he was playing concerned about me? My temperature rose. I wanted to kick him where the sun didn’t shine. His hypocrisy was on a whole new level.

“Prichard, I think Sharon and I will leave, she looks tired.” I rolled my eyes .jeez, now I felt like pushing my kitchen knife though his dark heart. If he had one. He hadn’t even seen my face, how did he come to the conclusion that I was tired.

              (Dean’s pov)
I was so lost in my storytelling that I completely forgot Sharon went there with me. After informing the boys that we were leaving, we walked to the door. On the hallway, I tried to put my arm over her shoulder but she flinched and moved away. I just ignored that and we walked quietly to our hostels.

"Are you okay?” I asked reaching the junction between her hostel and mine. She just concentrated on her phone. “Come on, are we okay?” she didn't answer again.

Why did I feel weird about this?

"Goodbye!” she blurted out before rushing inside her hostel. What just happened? Did she just walk out on me? Left me with wide arms. No goodnight hug? I stared until she disappeared .I sighed before I started walking towards my hostel. My phone beeped indicating a new text. I unlocked the screen and smiled seeing her name.

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