Chapter 28

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Oh my good...what if. I started seeing things closing up on me, then everything started shaking. For a moment I felt like I was telekinetic and I was the one shaking all those things with my mind. I wanted to screen but no sound left my throat.

“Oh, God!” I  managed to  yell getting up, drawing attention from one or two people that were in there. My heart was beating madly and I was gulping nervously. I thought I was going to pass out. When i was able to pull myself together,I broke down into tears. I could not be pregnant, surely not then when Zhela was about to have her baby? That definitely, couldn't be the perfect timing. “Guys I am not pregnant, I haven’t had sex in like forever, and I can’t magically just be pregnant."

I laughed, hoping that they would believe me. I waited for them to get my point and join me. I wanted us to laugh and move on. They didn't, instead, sheila came with more disturbing piece  of her mind.

“How do you live like that? My brother will die of blue ball and you, How do you resist such a hunk every day? ”Zhela asked and I cringed.

“I just resist, it is not that hard even though he keeps pushing my limits, you have no idea how hard it is to watch him walk out from the shower…”

“Don’t tell us that, I don’t need to know.” Sheila  shrieked covering both her ears with her hands."why would you tell me that? How am i supposed to unhear that?"  She squeaked crunching her nose.

Why would I talk about that? Man I was getting frustrated. Every time I closed my eye I would see  his naked body taunting me, begging me to run my fingers against it. I don’t know if it was just me but his body became more divine after I swore not to have sex with him again.

“But your brother is fine, Zhela probably takes care of him on a daily basis. ” I grumbled sadness flushing on my face. It really hurt to think about it. What did I expect of him anyway,to turn into a monk,he was a man and unlike women, men can not stay without sex.

“My brother is not a cheat.”

“Sure, I wonder why I live with another woman who is pregnant with his baby” I was not intending to hide the sarcasm. I saw hurt flush in Sheila’s face. How on earth was she getting crossed with  me? She was my best friend.

“I know my brother, he would never on purpose cheat on you, I believe he was drunk."

"How about we drop it guys,” Tess chirped in “ If you are not pregnant,” she paused and both Sheila and Tess remove pregnancy kits from their handbags at the same. “Then it won’t hurt if you took a pregnancy test. Right now!" really, were they trying to freak me out?

" What is this? An intervention? Are you two conspiring against me now?” I was disappointed in them. I shouldn’t have told Tess I had sex with Dean.

"You see what we are talking about. Your chill pill must have been replaced with some emotional tornado's tablets kr something. ” Sheila squealed  pointing at my watery face but her glance was thrown at Tess. They both forced me up the chair and practically dragged me to the  ladies room. Why was I even frustrated, I was twenty four, with a good paying job. having a baby shouldn't have been a problem. I could take care of my own child.

This cannot be happening to me. Why and you wanted to have one when you were just twenty two?  If I wasn't the one effected,I would have laughed at how insatiable human beings were-Constantly complaining about every single thong. I wanted a child before,I even got mad at Dean for the decision we made to wait, now that I had it,I was complaining. 

Sheila helped me onto Tess' bed for a rest. I couldn't go home then. After all those five pregnancy tests came back positive, Tess, Sheila and I went to check with the doctor. Tess was the one that suggested so we went to her doctor. I couldn’t risk Dean finding out about it right now, I mean he already had couvade syndrome .I smiled remembering him whining  the morning before he left about back pains. He even suggested that we get a new bed that that had become impossible. He said it kept him up all night thus the pain.

He kept working twice as hard in the gym to cut down on his weight. I prayed that he did not check what causes all those symptoms. I didn't want him to connect the dots. The guy still had Zhela to handle.

I wanted to wait for just for a few day, so I could finally tell him. I was not even sure he would be happy that he was having another child.
When we went to the doctor earlier, we learnt that I was seven weeks pregnant after several blood tests. I made the doctor check and check again. The answers was still the same.

Dang that night!

After days and nights of trying, I shag for just a night and boom!  I was pregnant? Why did destiny love to play with our minds so much?

"So... what now, are you telling my brother about my little niece or nephew tonight? Dean is going to go crazy with happiness I wish I was there." Sheila handed me a glass of cold water to give me a reality check. I was still shell-shocked. It was not that I didn’t want that little angel but I kind of wished it waited a little longer...the situation with Zhela wasn’t good at all.

"Where is Tess? I haven't seen her since a while ago. ” I tried to change the subject because I knew damn well she wouldn’t like my decision to not tell Dean just yet. Furthermore, he was going to be exhausted after hours and hours of driving from the plantation.

"She is in the kitchen making you something healthy to eat. I hope she doesn't cook herself in the process.”  We laughed at that. I couldn’t imagine Tess in the kitchen, the poor woman was famous with take outs. "No fries for you for a very long time.” she stated dramatically making me roll my eyes at her, and just like that I started craving for fries and vanilla yoghurt. “Back to my previous are you going tell him Dean about that bundle of joy inside there .” she pointed at my still very flat tummy. She wouldn’t just let go."Or maybe, you should buy a sock, leave it on the bed and let him figure it out." She was so cheerful that she forgot we lived with a pregnant woman.

"Don't think I should right now. He has Zhela to worry abo.."

"Are you Fu...I am not going to curse near my niece or nephew. Are you kidding me? You are his wife!” She whisper-yelled shocked that I even said that. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under, from the death glare she was giving me.

"Fine, I will tell him...tomorrow.” I almost yelled rolling my eyes so hard, they hurt a little. I needed  anger therapy during that  pregnancy, I couldn’t control when I snapped. She nodded okay smiling at me. I checked my phone for the time.

"Dang it! It is ten...I have to go” Sheila announced disappointment written on her beautiful heart shaped face. I pouted not wanting her to leave me alone. I also should head home. I had never been out that late. Ten was way too late. The latest I had ever arrived at home was some minutes to eight Probably the reason why Dean was blowing my phone up with calls and text messages. Still waiting for Tess to come up, I decided to keep myself busy by reading the latest text.

"I went to your work, you weren’t there. I came from the caffei and you weren’t there either. Wanna explain what the hell is going on?” so he came back from the plantation and decided that the best thing to do  was stalk me? I sneered at his text. I didn’t need a bodyguard.

"Understand him, the guy had couvade syndrome and doesn’t even know it"the rational part of me that infrequently surfaces spoke.

I ignored it without a second thought. I had a lot to deal with and playing rational was just another impossible task.

Sheila and Tess came back up, Sheila was carrying chicken soup while Tess was holding the scariest looking spaghetti. I wanted to gag at the sight. I hated spaghetti. couldn’t they have picked something as healthy as fries to go with that soup?

I didn’t understand their problem with my fries, just like I did not understand why I used to hate vanilla flavored yoghurts.It was the best taste in the entire universe. It was like having heaven in your mouth. I ate two spoonful before Sheila got up smiling wickedly, she was enjoying my suffering.

I bet she knew, in fact they all knew how horrible the food tasted that was why they all watched me eat with wide grins on their faces. After bidding us goodbye she left me to chicken soup and spaghetti

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