Chapter 26

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(Sharon's POV)
"What?" I yelled and he threw me a questioning look. "I am sorry, sir." I apologized for the yelling.

"Mrs Goodwin, this is for the best. You are perfect leader I have had in a while and your team is going to miss you, but this step is necessary for you to keep shining." I pursed my lips to avoid saying anything. I knew for sure that I could not work out the right tone any time soon to address him because I was more than angry at him.

" See you soon. "He motioned for me to leave and I did, in tears.

I quickly left the building, got into Dean's snow white Porsche,(turned out that the previous night when I grabbed a car key from his drawer,I randomly picked his beloved Porsche)  and drove to the caffei.
I was deeply in my thoughts that I didn't realize that someone was already at our booth.

"What happened?"the voice startled me and I let go of the purse I was carrying. Tess burst into a laughter seeing how red my face had turned.

"Don't do that. you almost gave me a heart attack. Were you just hiding under the table?"I asked when I realised she came from nowhere.

"No...I was picking something up." Now that she mentioned it, I crouched and picked my purse. I sat down across from her. She had already started sipping her coffee.

I looked at my watch and looked at her confused. It was only four fifteen."when did you get here?"

"I left earlier today. Now tell me what happened?."

"Nothing happened.I think I am being fired. " I said sadly,trying to evade the question she was actually asking.

She rolled her eyes, "You know what I am talking about.Why did you ask if you could move in with me?"

"You know why, my husband is forcing me to be a step mom, and I do not want to, ergo, I am moving out. And don't worry, I did not kill him though I am dying to wring his neck so badly.” I added, angrily.

I was mad at Dean for so many reasons but most important one was how he kept invading my mind.  What was wrong with me? It was not like I was some lovestruck teenager . I was a grown up woman who had been cheated on. I should start acting like one

"Okay” She threw her hands up in surrender."How are you feeling though? " She asked softly .

I had no idea what I was feeling. was I angry? Absolutely not, I was furious with myself. So I just sighed.
Tom came with my coffee probably saving me from explaining the meaning of that sigh, as Tess ordered another round.

"I am really sorry I ditched you."I apologised feeling  guilty.
yes!that was another feeling I had.

I was guilty as hell for so many things. for fantasizing about the night before and actually wanting to relive it. How crazy was that?
Actually those were the only reasons I felt guilty

"It is okay... at least I had a car. plus,I needed to stay back and give that bitch what she deserved." She said casually.

"No you didn't."I chocked a laugh my head shaking slightly."what did you do?"

"Don't worry. I didn't hurt your step child.I just slapped her face really good and it was because she started it."

"What...why would you do that? The woman is crazy she might hurt you to get to me. "I couldn't lie and say I felt bad. I did not. She hurt me. They'd both hurt me.
For along time I knew Zhela wanted Dean but “I didn't think Dean could actually cave in.

"You should have followed me. Why didn't you follow after, someone knocked and i thought it was you. so I opened the door and found Dean."I  rolled my eyes the events of that time invading my mind.

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