Chapter 16

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(Deans POV)
I knew what I did the previous day was wrong. I should have trusted her over Kelvin. I should have admitted that I was jealous of Kelvin-apart from working together, he actually bought her a ring. I should not have allowed Kelvin to get in my head, he made it so easy to doubt Sharon. That man was a pathological liar.

I couldn't help but fill like shit dor how I lost my cool with Sharon. She had gone through a traumatizing event, and I let her relive it. I forced her to feel her past, because I was a Coward.

I was no better than Kelvin, My distrust hurt her as much.

Kelvin was losing his mind, Why couldn’t he just go out there and get himself someone else?  Why did he have to cross paths with Sharon? I had to get her out of that company as soon as possible. I didn't want her spending a single minute with that scummy bastard. That rapist.

He would pay for hurting Sharon like that. No woman deserved that kind of treatment, they were meant to be protected and loved. not to be treated like a piece of rug doll.

And no woman deserved to be treated like a grade A liar. I should have trusted her.

The marriage had to take place that day. Kelvin made it clear that he would stop at nothing, because he didn't see a ring on his finger. Well, he was going to go blind once he sees her wedding ring.

I rolled over and as expected, Sharon was not in bed. I almost panicked, until I heard water running and guessed she was in the shower. Under normal circumstances, I would have joined her in there, and we would have taken our time loving each other. But knowing her, right then , I was the last person she would want to see or have touching her, even if she loved me that much and was about to marry me.

If I could, I would let her go and take time apart to heal. But, I know me:I would miss her terribly and drown in the lake of self-pity and be pathetic for the rest of my life. I loved myself so much, and I didn’t want to suffer like I did before-when I let her slip through my fingers. This time, I planned on handling things differently. We would get through that misunderstanding, together.

I already talked to my lawyers and they was doing all the arrangements so that Sharon could take up my name-which I had to beg her to do. When that happens, I was going to go beast mode to get her out .

We already had a venue (thanks to having exquisite lawyers, Dennis the best in the country as a matter of fact.)A judge, Carol, Patrick, Tess and our parents, were our witnesses. Carol and Sheila were making sure our parents arrived at the wedding safely, and on time. I hoped that one day she would understand that I was doing that for us.

Yesterday after my abrupt proposal, I had to call her parents and ask for her hand in marriage, formally . They loved me, so asking her hand wasn’t really a problem, the problem was getting them to understand that I would be marrying her that soon.

But that was nothing compared to my parents reaction. My mother mumbled so many words I did not hear and she even hung up on me twice. The only thing that saved me was that they thought Sharon was pregnant. My motheemade me promise to have another wedding as soon as possible. A church wedding.

The water finally stopped running and I pretended to be fast asleep.I heard her light footsteps approaching  and peeked. She still had the same unreadable expression. Sharon hadn’t talked to me ever since my mother called to congratulate her on her pregnancy.

I tried to say sorry, but she wouldn't stop being mad. I thought she would sleep it off but I was wrong.

I could not take it anymore, the silence was deafening. I was used to her talking nonstop and I loved her that way. She loved talking so much that I would sometimes get mad at her over it. I missed those times and I would give anything to have that at the moment.

She was inside the walk-in in closet, when I got up.
I hurried to the washroom, and hastily did my morning routine. I just remembered that it was our wedding day and the bride hated me.  Man, I should have corrected my mother.

I got out of the bathroom to find her massaging lotion on her legs. She had a rob covering her body from me?
Usually, I would do her back but she hadn’t ask for my help, I knew that it must had remained unattended to
Unsure of her reaction, "Come here, let me help.” I said as I undid the pink rob she was wrapped in. I did not give her the chance to think about it and probably that was why I did not ask her to let me help. I just jumped into action because I knew she wouldn’t have let me.

She didn't protest when I kissed her exposed back. I kissed her neck earning a moan and that was my cue to say what had been killing me from the inside... I got all the encouragement I needed to apologize. "Would you ever forgive me? for being a dick? ” I asked and she turned to face me.

" I would. But if you ever so much as yell at me again, do not bother saying sorry because I would never forgive you. "

" Understood. "I suddenly felt like weight had been lifted off me shoulder." would you help me tell our parents, that you are not pregnant? "I asked, hopefully.

Sharon's eyes glittered a bit as she held in a laughter."That is all on you."

"Please." I said before trying to kiss her on the lip, but she quickly got up.

"You can't kiss the bride before the wedding. You will jinx it." She grinned sheepishly, before moving to the furthest corner, to get dressed.

Seeing the wide smile on her face as she put on her wedding dress, I couldn't help but smile too. I saw her walk toward me, through the mirror. When she was by my side, I turned to face her,“I...I am sorry too Dean. I know I got mad at you, but I must also admit that I had my fair share in starting this fight. I promise that I will never keep secrets from you again.”

I reached out and brush hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ears, "I love you so much."I whispered softly. She leaned in and kissed me.

Our wedding was the most intimate ceremony I had ever seen. only family, friends and our best friends came. Thank God kelvin found about it too late and did not ruin anything.As we were exiting the court house I saw him having a tantrum, kicking his car tyres.I was happy though that Sharon was happily married to me.She was mine before the law and before God.

(Sharon pov)
Dean and I had been married for sixteen months. I was also jobless again since my contract to Jackstone was terminated five months, after the wedding, it was the worst experience of my life. I missed going to jail by just an inch.If it weren’t for Dean's dad who talked to Jackstone Senior,I would be behind bars.

Dean had  great laywer, that was okay,but he messed everything up when he went physical everytime he saw kelvin. Everytime we went to court he would jump over and beat the shit out of kelvin. The judge almost arrested him for disrespecting his court. Thanks to kelvin’s dad, he let me off the hook. If I had known it would had been that easy if his dad was involved, I would have involved him way earlier.

Once he learnt from Dean’s what kelvin had done to me, he was so sorry he even wanted to compensate me. I was just sad he ended his relationship with his son because of me.He could not accept that his own flesh and blood was a grade A monster.

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