Chapter 27

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(Sharon's POV)
The next few weeks went by slower than usual. I went to work alright, but I also had to stay at the mansion with Dean.

I only agreed to it because he promised not to force me to talk to him. So we barely talked.

I tried to avoided him as much as I could- When he was downstairs I stayed in the guest room upstairs. The only thing we did together was share a meal in silence together. Many times he tried to start a conversation, but I ended it due to my one word answers. I just couldn't couldn't accept that he kept lying to me and he tried to control me.

Dean never gave up on trying to win me over, though. Everyday he would ask how my day was and "okay"  would be my answer. He would go to "I am sorry", still my answer would be "okay" then he would end with "goodnight baby I love you" as I walked to the guest room while he stayed back to watch news. My answer was always" same."

With all honesty, it hurt me to be that cold to him. I loved him and I missed him so much. I missed him as much  as I was missing something that I couldn't quite put my fingers on, but I also could not just condon his infidelity.

Dean never left the house.  Not that I cared anyway. He could do whatever the hell he wanted.But  I also started coming from work much earlier than I used to, since I didn't like him always making dinner while I stayed late gossiping or feeling sorry for myself.

Also, for some weird reasons, I stopped fancying the coffee like I did before. I could feel my interest in it dying and I couldn't help but wonder why. I even tried staying loyal to it by always grabbing one to go, always but if Dean didn't drink it, it ended  down the drain.

One Sunday evening, while we were watching ,let me rephrase that , I was watching, he was just there typing away in his phone- We had already eaten and for some reasons known only to him, he wanted to shadow me some more.

"Give me your phone." He had asked/ordered/demanded.

"No."I objected curtly. He had given me my old phone after a week and I promised that he would never touch it again. So, I took my phone and tucked it under the chair I was sitting in.

He was about to say something but Then the doorbell chimed interrupting him. I got up to go get it because by the looks of it, Dean was not about to go and do the necessary. He had his head ducked on to his phone again.

Before I could even get to the door,I saw him reaching for my phone."what are you doing? could I have some privacy, please?"I inquired coming back completely ignoring the door.  He did whatever he wanted and handed it back.

"Do not block me again." He ordered sitting back down. The bell chimed again and instead of giving a come back, I went for it.
Saved by the door bell!

I opened the door and
I sigh disbelief. “What are you doing in my house?”the nerve of that woman. She really was testing my patience.

Zhela was wearing a red minidress that showed every inch of her body. Her stomach was bigger that the last time I saw her ,her boobs were bigger and almost popping out. and was she not wearing a bra? Oh, my God. She was Wearing some classy sandals but since she was a mistress, the sandals looked cheap.

Her face was shining from all the makeup she wore and her lips that seemed like a cat that had just drunk blood, marched perfectly with her dress,what was  it?14th February?

"I need to talk to Dean. He won’t answer any of my calls. Come in Miranda. "It took all of me not to slap her across the face. Did I have a post on my head written ‘whine here please’?Dean heard her voice and walked toward us. I rolled my eye as he walked past me.

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