Chapter 16 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

        “Well, I don’t know if that’ll ever happen, but I’m glad they seem to be having a good time.” The two girls stopped and looked at her.

        “And it’s all thanks to you.” The other girl said.

        “All thanks to me?” Hitomi inquired further.

        “We’ve been in the same class with the twins ever since middle school.” The girl explained, “They didn’t use to be this cheerful and friendly. They were always quiet and withdrawn. They didn’t have many friends. It’s like they didn’t want anyone to get too close. I don’t think they like school very much. They seem so bored. I guess thing started to change when the Host Club started.” Hitomi looked in to see the twins talking with other classmates, “Since then, they’ve come out of their shells, little by little.

        “But they’ve really opened up since you joined the Host Club.” She continued, “Now they talk and joke with everyone in class. That’s why we wanted to make sure you know how grateful we are to you. Because of you, the twins are having fun and enjoying each day to the fullest.”

        “Really?” After hearing that, Hitomi was the loser and went to go buy instant coffee. When she got back with the bag full of instant coffee in her arms, she was too busy thinking about her previous conversation that she slipped on a banana peel and fell with a scream but something caught her. It was woman with cropped brown hair, pale skin and gray eyes. She is a lot taller than Hitomi. She wore a maroon and white uniform. Hitomi recognized it as the school of Lobelia. The lady set her down so that Hitomi was kneeling on the ground.

        “It’d be a shame to let any harm come to a cute face like yours, young lady.” She said and Hitomi looked up.

        “I’m sorry, ma’am.” Hitomi got up and bowed but this lady was instant on bringing Hitomi back to where she was supposed to be. Unfortunately, that was the Host Club. When they walked by, she must’ve heard something of  Tamaki’s conversation because she busted in, holding Hitomi close to her side while she was gripping the bad tightly.

        The Host Club gave her wavering looks, “If we fight, it’ll be together.” She spun Hitomi around, “If we fail, we fail together.” She went on one knee and held Hitomi’s free hand, “Even if I were to die, I promise I will never leave your side, my love.” And she kissed Hitomi’s hand. She only raised an eyebrow.

        “Benibara, we thought you’d never show.” There were two girls. The one who didn’t speak was a girl with long, wavy, light, brown hair with dark brown eyes. She had pale skin and she was a little taller than Haruhi. The one who had just spoken was the shortest member with her short brown hair that had some volume and bounce to it.

        “What are we going to do with you? So tell us where you found this lovely young lady. There’s another inside as well.” The girl with the longer hair said. She must’ve meant Haruhi.

        “I met this one outside of the school.” Benibara said with flair, “And the one you found may be dressed as a boy, but the truth is so obvious. She has such pretty maiden eyes.” Benibara pointed at Haruhi.

        “Thanks, I guess.” Haruhi said and the two girls started stroking Hitomi’s arms.

        “Her skin is so soft!” They said.

        “Don’t go touching my Hitomi without my permission!” Tamaki charged by Benibara punched him in the face.

“Leave her alone!” She yelled.

Being The Hosts' Maid (An Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now