Jessica was more to girls. She once had a boyfriend but that's that. She loved her boyfriend so much that she thought he would marry her but poor girl, after she caught the guy red-handed, making out with a slut, she's changed into a new Jessica. She hated boys. She thought that boys were all the same. She might be making out or sleep with them, but it was an only one-night stand. She left them the next day it happened.

So, that's Jessica Jung for you.

"Whatever, so where are you going? Is it going to take a long time?" Jessica fixed her position to a comfortable one— or you might say since she's still on the couch.

"Actually Jessie, I have no idea. Daddy asked me to interview this one girl." Tiffany sighed, remembering her conversation with her dad last time.

Jessica unconsciously smiled. It must be Miss Architect from the lift just now. Ah, so it was the uncle who recommended her. No wonder, she seems so different than the others. Knowing Tiffany, Taeyeon was definitely not Tiffany's ideal type.

"An architect, right?"

"Eh, how did you know?" Tiffany cocked an eyebrow, confused about the question.

Jessica shrugged, "Elevator partner." Tiffany just nodded, she didn't want to know about it. For the 3 minutes, Jessica's been ranting over how the architect looked like that Tiffany took her handbag in a dash and left the brunette rambling about the girl.


Taeyeon was nervous. Her whole body was shaking in nervousness. She knocked on the door of the room that she assumed it was the meeting's room. Once she was in, she was mesmerized by the beauty of the black-haired woman. She was gorgeous. For once of her lifetime, she held her breath for such a long time. They were staring into each other's eyes.

Tiffany scanned the petite kid from her head to her toe. She hissed, there was nothing special that she saw in Taeyeon unless her height and her face. She was a few inches shorter than her. She has a baby-faced that everyone wanted to squish her puffy cheeks. Tiffany must be lying if she said the girl was not pretty. She had the look that everyone would like to protect her from any danger.

Tiffany shook her head, she was determined to get rid of this kid than having weird thoughts on the petite girl.

"So.. I heard that you're searching for a job?" Tiffany finally broke off the silence.

Taeyeon just timidly nodded her head. She didn't know what much to say. But, that's that until she heard something that beyond her imagination, "I don't think I could hire you."

She was blank for a while. Is this girl for real? She didn't even read her resume and yet, she already said that thing? For real? "And why is that?" She really tried hard not to snicker, she really did but thankfully, it went unnoticed to the black-haired woman.

"Well, firstly... You're not allowed to wear those outfits to work here. You saw how my staff dressed up isn't it?" The black-haired woman smirked. She knew she would win against this nothing but cute ki— wait... did she just say her cute?

Taeyeon left her mouth a gaped, her eyes widened. She didn't just hear it right, right? No hell way, she's going to wear like those sluts like no, thank you. "I didn't know that those kinds of rules exist?" She mocked. She couldn't care less about the position of the black-haired woman held. She had gone too overboard.

"Actually yes. And if you found that it's hard, then the door is in that way." Tiffany smiled while gesturing her hand at the door.

Taeyeon puffed in annoyance. Right! If you really want it! But before she left, she placed the plastic bags contained the plans that the latter wanted from her on her table. So, her hard work was nothing. She slept late for it and even skipped her dinner.

"And what the hell are these?" asked the latter. She was confused about those plastic bags.

"Let's just say that a small gift from me for a very first interview of mine." Taeyeon walked away from the latter. She left the meeting's room but not without, "I hope you'll marry a nun!"


After the interview, she walked to her own room. She knew her cousin must be sleeping already. But, she was surprised to see Jessica, reading a newspaper. "So how was the interview?" She was welcomed by the question.

"Went well..."

Jessica hid her smile. By the sound of the latter, she knew something had happened. "She's pretty, isn't it?"

"Pretty?" Tiffany started to laugh harder. Jessica stared at her weirdly, "You know she is, stops denying."

"Hell no, even the trees are taller than her. You and daddy are the same! I think both of you should start operating your retina."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Jessica retorted. She didn't want to argue with the stubborn Tiffany. There was no use.

"Unfortunately, daddy's favorite girl failed the interview." Jessica rolled her eyes before walking to where the latter was. She was done reading the newspaper and she wanted to sleep again. "I knew it." She replied. Tiffany didn't know how to appreciate things, doesn't she?

But before she fell asleep, she remembered that one important thing, "What's her name?"

"Kim Taeyeon."

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