"How old is she?"

"21 years old. Yeah, you liked young girls." Mr. Hwang mocked. He knew her daughter had things for young girls. One of the requirements to enter the company was the girl must be pretty. He didn't get it. Which company policy did she follow from? Is the appearance really important?

"Is she pretty?" She asked again, her eyes gleaming in expectation.

Mr. Hwang chuckled, "She really is." He answered confidently, he could feel the glares that he received from the woman beside him.

"Is she sexy?"

Now, it's Mr. Hwang's turn to glare at her daughter. This girl really wants a smack on the head. Does she think that her father recommends her a bikini model or what?

"Are you saying that being sexy is also a requirement to get in the company?" He burst out, her daughter really should learn her manners.

Tiffany shrugged off then looked puzzled at her father. Her father should have known that only her company needed to have those requirements if they really wanted to get in the company.

"I don't care anymore. You really should interview Taeyeon by tomorrow, understood?"

Tiffany's ears perked up hearing the name. So, her name is Taeyeon huh? She nodded lightly, she needed to make sure that after she interviewed the said girl, she would get rid of her immediately. She didn't want any new employees anymore nor need them.


Taeyeon wore formal attire, a simple blouse with a matching checkered shirt. She only applied a little makeup on her baby-faced. She didn't need to be so pretty to impress the her-soon-to-be employer. She was confident that she would get the job. But if she didn't get it, at least she did try her best.

Last night, she had received a call from Mr. Hwang, saying that her daughter would do the interview. The first impression was really important so she tried her best to look for anything that made her look less appealing. After she was done, she gathered her things. She looked at the design of Nature City that Tiffany Hwang wanted once again. After everything was perfect, she went downstairs, greeted her parents then drove to the company.


If she was not mistaken, this was the address that Mr. Hwang gave to her. He said that the company had 18 floors but she had no time to count how many floors since it's her first-time journey.

Stepping inside the lobby, she didn't take time to read the capital letter of 'Hwang Holdings.'

"Excuse me.." She greeted the ladies at the counter. The one with the long black hair was still having a conversation on her phone and the other girl was polishing her nails.

But it seemed like those two were so engrossed with their works, plus the counter was a little bit taller than Taeyeon's height, she tried once again but this time, a little louder. "Excuse me." To her dismay, they're actually deaf. She felt her anger boiling. She really hated it if someone's ignoring her. She pressed the bell that she saw at the end of the counter. The lady who was polishing her nails finally looked at her but not before staring at her from below to above.

"What.....do you want?" The lady asked in a not so sincere way. Taeyeon held herself from snickering and told the lady that she had an appointment with Tiffany Hwang. After the lady talked to whom she knew that her employer's personal assistant, she told Taeyeon that Tiffany's office was on the 18th floor. Even though the lady was rude enough, but she thanked her but didn't get any replies instead.

Taeyeon quickly walked to the lift. There were a few staff passing in front of her. They looked at her like she's naked. Taeyeon felt a bit uncomfortable but pulling away all the negative thoughts, she replaced it with maybe they look at me because they don't know me.

Taeyeon stared the lift while thinking when would the lift be opened. There was a woman suddenly appeared beside her, waiting for the same lift. Taeyeon didn't care but from the corner of her eyes, she could feel that the woman was gawking at her. She sighed deeply, she wears formal attire, right? So how come the people inside this company looked at her like she just came from the jungle? There's just one thing that she wanted to ask the woman beside her, "What is wrong with my outfits that everyone in the country looks at me weirdly?"

Taeyeon knew she wasn't full of herself so she turned her head to be greeted by a pretty fair woman. Just like she thought, the woman smiled at her. Taeyeon smiled back at her, not wanting to be rude on her special day. Taeyeon took the time to study the feature of the pretty woman. She could tell that the woman was taller a few inches only. Her hair was brown, matching the color of her skin.

When the lift was opened, the pretty woman invited Taeyeon to go in first. Taeyeon thanked her while giving her infamous chin dimple. Both of them were heading to the same destination. Taeyeon wondered for a while, Is she also an employee? But why are her outfits look like she's going to hang out in the street with her friends?

"Hey, are you a new worker? Why I didn't see you around?" asked the pretty woman, breaking the silence.

Taeyeon just gave a small smile, "Nope. I have an interview today."

The other girl just nodded. So, that was why she saw a file in Taeyeon's grip and there's another bag that had a few rolls of paper.

"Architect?" She guessed again. When she saw Taeyeon smiled before nodding, she added, "Now that I'm right, could you please tell me your name?"

Taeyeon was taken aback by the sudden question. The girl looked so bold and shameless. She tried hard not to snicker or hiss in response. There's no way she would tell her name. It was the last thing she would do. It was not that she's playing hard to get but because she didn't even know the stranger.

"I'm Jessica." The woman introduced herself after being ignored by Taeyeon.

In her head, Taeyeon didn't care at all. Even if the other girl was Kendall Jenner. But Taeyeon just smiled while giving her a nod, showing that she appreciated that the girl told her, her name. At that time, the elevator finally stopped. She quickly left Jessica. Jessica, on the other hand, chased her. The girl was unique until making herself, Jessica Jung chased her.

"Miss Architect! Wait!" called Jessica. Taeyeon stopped her track when she heard the voice, She called me as Miss Architect?

"There's just one thing that I wanted to remind you. All the best and good luck with your interview because you will be meeting with a very beautiful woman and please don't fall in love with her. I would be so heartbroken if you do and do not fall in her trap." Jessica chuckled before she went away.

Taeyeon was speechless.

When Jessica said that she could feel that Jessica was somehow close with Tiffany? And a very beautiful woman? Are you serious? Even prettier than Taylor Swift? Taeyeon chuckled on her crazy thought. And she would be so heartbroken if I fall in love with Tiffany? She's got to be kidding me. We just stuck in the lift for 2 minutes and she already likes me? Definitely a player.

That girl was really weird. Or wait, no... this company is weird. 

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