Chapter 13: Serving the Bitch

Start from the beginning

I turned by back to her and continued wiping the lower shelf. I didn't hear her come up behind me until the shattering of glass got me bolting straight up and stepping back in surprise. Which was a bad move as I stepped straight down on a sharp piece of glass and slipped. The glass slid up my ankle, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake.

I hissed, covering the cut with my hand. "I'm going to be back. Make sure you clean up the glass! I don't want to be stepping on any when I come back," She said and I glared at her, mentally shredding her to pieces. Oh how good it would feel to carve her up like turkey and serve her on the dining table. Actually no, her meat is probably so rotten then everyone would barf without even having to chew on it.

Wincing, I got up and grabbed the dustpan on the side. Scooping up the pieces, I contemplated on dumping them on her bed but thought better of it. I didn't want to get in any more trouble. Emptying them in the trash can, I went into the restroom to see if there was anything I could clean the cut with.

However before I could the sharp bang of the door had me knocking my head against the door; I let out a curse. "Are you done yet?"

I nodded, eyeing my wound. "I need you to wipe the pictures on the hallways."


"Are you deaf?"

Mumbling profanities under my breath as I walked out after her with a rag in hand, I started randomly wiping the pictures. "Wipe it better!" She barked.

"Wipe it better!" I mocked.

"Did you say something?" I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to answer her. Claws like fingers gripped my shoulders and spun me around making me smack her in the face with the rag. Whoops.

Her face flushed red in anger but surprisingly she took a deep breath and calmed down. I raised an eyebrow, I could definitely see the murder behind her eyes. "Come."

Keeping a safe five feet distance behind her, we came upon the top of the stairs. "Clean those." She pointed to the paintings hung above the stairs. Stepping around her was a mistake as a a shove from behind sent me tumbling down the stairs.

Hence, I'm being threatened with her powdered white face shoved centimeters from my face. Pain radiated from my knee and the wound on the ankle did not help much.

"Do you want Vulcrian?" Her voice was low and menacing.

"Have I shown any signs I want him?" I hissed at her. How I wish to bash her skull into the carpet floor.

She scoffed, tossing a lock of blond hair to the side. "Of course you have! Everyone sees you looking at him all the time, the touches, the flirty looks!" Have I even done that? Wanting him in that way instead of a friend hadn't even crossed my mind. Okay maybe I had a teeny tiny crush on him...maybe.

"Get it through your thick skull that just because I talk to him doesn't mean I want to drag him to the sheets. There's something called a friend." I shot at her just as she pulled back her hand to hit me.

"Stop!" The voice made me breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank god, the savior has come.

Vulcrian marched up to his fiance and shoved her roughly a few feet back. "What do you think you're doing?"

Behold the fake tears. "V-Vulcrian! She attacked me, pushed me down the stairs and called me a bitch." She blubbered. The second part wasn't wrong though.

He glared. "From what I can see, you're not the one lying on the floor bleeding. And you came here as a guest which means you have no authority ordering my maid to your pointless tasks you can do yourself. Am I clear?" Princess Bitch wiped the fat tears from her face as she glared at me on the floor.

"I'm your fiance!"

"A fiance I didn't want to have in the first place!" Vulcrian burst out my eyes widened in interest. So an arranged marriage then.

She stepped back, face a mask of hurt. "B-but.."

He cut her off. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to help my maid that you pushed down the stairs and injured to the infirmary. You can clean the rest of the pictures." He threw the rag to her.

She sneered, "I'm a Princess! I will not do some lowly-"

"Unless you want me to report to your parents that you injured someone here in my palace. You are just a guest here so keep yourself in line." With that, Vulcrian turned towards me. "Can you stand?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling myself up. With me leaning half my weight on him, we slowly made our way towards the infirmary.

Turns out, my injury wasn't anything major. The doctor patched my cut up and gave me some cream for my knee and shooed us off, claiming he had something else to do. So we ended up walking up to my room where I was told, no, ordered to rest for the day.

Staring up at the ceiling, I didn't notice Vulcrian picking up and examining the flower crown on my bedside. "Did he make this?" It was obvious who he was talking about.


He frowned and put the crown not so gently back down. "You shouldn't go near him." I groaned, not his conversation again. "I'm serious."

"He's actually not that bad." I muttered, "If you guys would actually hang out and talk instead of having pissing contests."

He shot me an annoyed look, "He's-"

"Dangerous, I know. We've had this conversation a night ago." I brought an arm up and covered my eyes.

"I'm serious, Amara. Avoid him at all costs."

I breathed out an annoyed sigh. "Well it's not like he's going to magically appear out of nowhere. You can relax." I kept his warning in mind though. I wasn't stupid, but I wasn't going to judge just because Vulcrian said so. 

Hi! Man, I've been sick the past few days and it SUCKS. I can't even laugh without coughing like crazy. Time for me to bring an emergency tissue box to school tomorrow lmao. 

QOTC: Should Amara stay away from Killian? Is he really dangerous? 

Most important question: Who do ya'll ship her with? *wink wonk*

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