The End

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The Day of Jaehwan's Wedding, 3 pm, Yoongi's POV:

- You had been in the dark for weeks. Or, you thought it had been weeks. Without light, there was no way to tell how much time had actually passed. Jackson's appearances were random, you didn't know if he brought you food in the morning or the middle of the night.

- At least you were no longer tied to that stupid chair. After a cursory exploration of the darkness, you figured out that you were in some sort of cell. If the lack of any sort of breeze was any indication, you guessed it was underground.

- You were currently doing pushups in the dark. There was literally nothing else to do down here, and exercise stopped you from going crazy. It also tired you out so you could sleep. You slept most of the time, but you couldn't sleep forever.

- Jackson had told you about the note he left in your room, so you knew nobody was looking for you. The fact that Jackson was a traitor still shocked you. He was the last person you though would ever betray Namjoon.

- The faint sound of footsteps in the darkness made you stand up. You had mapped your cell in your mind, and instantly pressed your back against the far wall. It was probably just Jackson bringing you your daily meal, but you never took chances in case he decided to try and kill you.

- The beam of a flashlight crossed the wall, and you hissed under your breath and shut your eyes tight. It was the first light you had seen in so long, and the brightness felt light it was searing your retinas.

- "Yoonie?! Are you down here? Tell me your down here!" Jimin's voice called, and your eyes flew open.

- "Yes! I'm here!" you shouted, just as Jimin appeared in front of your cell. He pointed his flashlight at you, and you shielded your eyes with one hand as he exclaimed, "Finally! I've been running around these tunnels for hours!"

- "How did you find me?! I didn't think any was looking for me!" you exclaimed, and he pulled out something that looked like a nail file and began to pick the lock in the barred door.

- "I've been looking for you for weeks! Jin and I didn't believe you had gone after Jaehwan, it was too out of character! I've been all over our and Sanghyuk's kingdom trying to find you, and I just got back!"

- "I saw Jackson sneaking into Ravi's office, and I followed him through a hidden door! I had no clue these tunnels existed until this morning!" You had moved right in front of the bars, and the loud click of the lock opening brought you so much relief.

- Jimin threw the door open and jumped into your waiting arms a second later. You held him as tight at you could, cupping the back of his head and inhaling the smell of his vanilla bean body wash. His warmth enveloped you, piercing the deep chill in your bones.

- You just stood like that for a moment, closing your eyes and pressing your lips against his cheek. Your Minnie was here. He found you.

- "Come on, we have to get out of here before Jackson shows up," you said quietly, releasing Jimin but immediately taking his hand.

- "Jackson isn't coming. He's dead. I got his confession, he was King Sanghyuk's agent and had been for five years," Jimin replied quietly, and your heart skipped a beat.

- "I had no choice. He would have killed me. He caught me following him, but I was faster," Jimin continued, his voice faltering for a moment, and you pulled him back against you.

- "He was a traitor, he would have died anyway. You did the right thing," you said quietly, dotting kisses across his forehead in an attempt to comfort him. "I know," he replied, but you didn't let him go.

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