Extras (Sneak Peak in Future)

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Since it has been too long I wrote anything about the couple, here this shot is dedicated to them; Abhi and Shree. This may or may not make you smile, this may or may not showcase mischiefs of Surabhi. This may or may not reveal the gravity of Ayansh but this will definitely make you reconcile with the characters.
Fingers crossed.
Have a happy reading.


Why is he so late today?

He wasn't, his usual timing were seven and sometime, eight but I so wanted him beside me now. I fervently checked the clock that hung proudly on the brown ash wall. It had taken it to its ego to not move an inch beyond the number six, being so stubborn as it was.

Objects in my home often forget that I was the owner. Suppose if I am in mood of some excitement and ploy to involve Abhimanyu, his cellphone will buzz, the clock will tick his office timing, the mixer will work perfectly, the sofa will become so light to be pushed by me, the bathroom shower will not spray jets from multiple holes in the pipe, the leaking tap will stop and I can go on ranting many more scenarios.

Blowing out a sigh, I resumed to my task of jotting down the issues regarding new prototype of program developed by the interns under my supervision. Piyush, that interracial brawny guy, made sure to screw my mind more than it already was and I took careful mind notes to screw him the next day. He bloody ruined the front screen. Disaster. Four cups of coffee down my throat in past one hour and I still failed to produce a solution.

It was not like the glitch was major but my mind was on other things. I forced myself to concentrate and broke the record with fifth cup of filtered coffee. Cups gathered around the laptop and papers in the centre table.

I slammed shut the notebook and leaned back in Lawson, rubbing the aching spot above my left eyebrow. I couldn't contain the tornado of anxiety that whirled around in me and it was getting worse for me with each passing second.

In sober fact, my concern encompassed Ayansh - my once innocent munchkin - and it was more important because I couldn't bear the queasiness that occurred in me whenever I thought of his changing behavior as an outcome of my failed nurturing.

I thrust the cup back on the cluttered table and buried my face in my palm, exhaustively. When the silence around me began to thicken, I heard someone growling behind me, imitating that of a wild animal. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Bubbi, come out sweetheart." I called out, regaining my posture but the growl morphed into dead silence. When I turned and peeked over, my little monster wasn't there. My lips developed a grin thinking about her. This morning when my daughter woke up, she was enthused over a new past time that included my dupatta as her cape and devil horn that she bought after pestering Abhimanyu who so wanted to buy a tiara.

So, she was flopping around, hiding in corners, behind curtains, sofa or under the dining table as well. It reminded me that her homework was still due. Class third is a big class after all with so complex curriculum that comprises less activity and more rote learning. I had to vouch for her intellectual evolution without hindering her creativity.

It was a moment of breather before Esv jibed, 'I just hope my innocent daughter doesn't transform into a hooligan, following the footsteps of her delinquent brother.'

Shut the fucking hell up.

I screamed inwardly, feeling that anxiety rushing back in me. Unfortunately, since this evil resided in me, I couldn't wish for it to combust. My son wasn't a punk but somewhere, I knew that he wasn't confiding in me anymore and his actions lately - as I'd been informed - were a stab on my upbringing thereby I was in the serious need of counselling and I trusted none other than my husband for that.

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