The Unasked-for Hug

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"No one knows his or her value unless it is reflected in the eyes of others who love them."

Abhimanyu's Perspective

"Are you okay?" I asked when I walked inside the bedroom and she nodded, pressing her back. I had had enough with her sitting on the bed and pressing her stomach and back occasionally. It was getting on my nerves that she was in pain and wasn't telling me. In fact, if it was a right hunch, my mom and other woman in the house knew about her condition.

"But it doesn't look like. What's wrong with your back?" I asked sternly, pointing at the poly bags, "You haven't unpacked them yet?"
She closed her eyes in pain and waved her hair back, "I will do it later and I am fine."

"Really?" I clenched my jaw and exhaled, pinching the bridge of my nose. "You can tell me, you know. I might help you somehow."

"I told you I am fine."

"Fine, I'm going to ask mom." I moved to the door and she sprinted to me, instantly catching my arm.

"Are you mad...I'm fine. I've little back pain, that's it." She whispered, shockingly.

"You have back pain and you are not seeing doctor. It can cause some serious problem. Come with me." I interrupted and grabbed her wrist.

"Uff...It's not serious. I don't need to see doctor." She bit her lip, looking down.

"You can tell me. I'll give you some medicine." I mumbled, softly, framing her face. She palmed the back of my hand. "I am telling you that I am completely fine. If not, I will be better tomorrow."

I crossed my arms, staring at her in disbelief. "What kind of logic is it? How'll you be fine without medicines?"

She avoided my gaze and chided. "I don't need medicines, Abhimanyu; I get it every month. I'm used to it."

"Every month? Yet you aren't seeing the doctor?" I said in disbelief. How come I not noticed it before?

"Abhimanyu..." She turned around. "It's what every girl faces." She whispered, embarrassingly. My mind roamed around to grasp her intentions.

"What do you-"

"I'm on my periods Abhimanyu. Now just shut up." She shouted and moved to the bed. She took all the bags and stuffed them in wardrobe. Her cheeks deepened red and her eyes everywhere except me. I stood at my place stupefied, mentally kicking myself. My ears heated in embarrassment. I ambled to her as she sat on the bed.

" need something?" I fumbled.

"No... I'm fine."

"May I?" I extended my hand as she couldn't press the broiling bag on her bag and she passed it to me, quietly. I sat behind her as she skidded forward. The air around us got thick as no one spoke. She let out a sigh as I pressed the bag onto her back. Fragrance of her scented hair wafted in my nostrils, I pulled her closer ignoring her gasp.

Shree's Perspective

I tried my best to give him clues but that ultimate tube light didn't even catch any single one. Why God made men so stupid?? And the biggest specimen is before me. I glared him, leeringly when he asked what I wanted. Poison... if you can give.

He sat behind me and pulled me closer.

"What are you..."

"Relax." He husked against my ear, erecting the baby hair in neck. His one hand rested on my stomach and the other pressed on my back. "Where is it paining exactly?"

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