The Injurious Book

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"When in a relationship, a real man doesn't make his woman jealous of another; he makes others jealous of his woman."

I shoved another spoon in my mouth until my cheeks were bulging. Badi ma had gone to Jaipur for two weeks and Abhimanyu was saddled with his work. Hence, I was bored; alone or with servants.
"Munchkin, Darling, you want to see Sponge Bob?" I asked for reference and extracted the TV remote from the display cabinet. With a hand on my lower back, I waddled to the switchboard and pressed the switched on. Sponge Bob boomed in the speakers and I squeezed myself on the bed again, muffling the comforter over me and gobbled up the lion portion of noodles.
In the course of one hour gluing to the television, I instructed Manohar to refill my bowl twice. He did hesitate and mumbled something under his breath but one stern glance and he knew better. Defeated, he placed another hot, sizzling bowl of noodles before me and I wolfed it down.
I believed to conquer myself in thinking about all but Abhimanyu when I held up the bowl under my nose and slurped the sauce and exotic cucumber smell wafted in my nostrils.
I dragged my vision to the doorway and found Abhimanyu leaning against the doorjamb. Arms crossed over sturdy chest. Sleeves folded third fourth, displaying his taut forearms, sizzled with protruding veins - that really makes my heart race - and slightly unkempt hair. His tie hanging loose in his neck - he definitely had tugged it in his way - and a stern look cloaking his face.
I grinned at him, putting the bowl aside. The happiness which I had felt seeing him was to fade as I realized that my noodles were still not finished and Abhimanyu looked highly offended with it. His scornful gaze fixed at the bowl.
"Why did you put it aside?" He faked confusion and gestured to the bowl with his palm. "Finish it!"
Don't! He's mad.
"Really?" The foodie in me grinned and clutched the bowl again, digging in the spicy stuff. Abhimanyu gave me an oh-I-am-so-bloody-pissed-look and I rolled my eyes, putting the bowl aside.
"Don't look at me like that. You asked me to finish it." I twitched my lips, crossing my hands over my voluptuous chest, thoughtlessly providing him a better view of my assets, pushing them up.
"You just last night had had your share of pasta and now again. Why don't you understand it is not good for your health?" He said calmly, discreetly hiding the lust that glistered in his eyes. He strolled to me and sat beside me, scooping me in a hug. Mutely, I rested my head on his shoulder and whimpered inwardly to get my claws on him, except he looked like he needed to vent out his disappointment first.
I gave him ear as he continued. "I know you're tired of this spell but I promise once our baby comes, I'll treat you with whatever you demand." He, then, amended. "Only if your doctor allows but till then, could you please have it in a limit and...."
Fine! Well, you've forced me to do this, Abhi. Now don't you dare blame me?
"Ouch!" I winched cutting his banter and palmed my belly. Abhimanyu switched on his alert mode and rubbed his hand over mine. "You okay? Is it paining? Just tell me, baby. I'll....wait, did she kick?"
His eyes lit and he moved his palm over my bump, silently enjoying baby's movement. I pressed my lips in thin line to prevent my smile. He got busy in expecting another kick that never came and that's how I once again handled him. Too bad, Abhimanyu could be manipulated in seconds.
Don't learn it from me munchkin but see, how adorable your dad is. I mentally drooled over my husband. He was hopelessly in love with me as much as I was but he was a level up from me; I had fooled him like now numerous times and he never really bothered to disappoint me. This only had made me more in love with him.
"Shit! I just missed it again. Only you get to experience it, just tell me on time when she kicks again, alright!" He tsked and I elbowed him, "Don't curse!"
"Sorry!" He grinned and pecked me. He inhaled my neck and nuzzled his nose in the crook, whispering huskily. "I missed you so much."
The unforgotten craving for his touch hit me again and I snuggled closer to him until I was completely secured in his lap. To a matter of fact, his sweat mixed fragrance incited me more than it ever did. I allowed him to love me as much as it was possible with having a football type barricade between our bodies and he did expertly took care of both of us; me and my munchkin.
"I missed you too." I mumbled, pressing my lips to him when he framed my body under sheets. He welcomed my touch and captivated me in a spell that I never sobered up from it.
"I am sorry. I promised you to come early but.....okay, as to redeem myself and compensate you, I'll prepare the dinner." He said, kissing my forehead and I closed my eyes, nibbling on my bottom lip.
"Or is it a dramatic scheme to make sure that I eat something healthy?" I corked my eyebrow and he rubbed his nose in my jaw, laughing.
"You've grown smart. Anyway, once badi ma comes back, I'll be at ease that you're consuming only healthy diet."
"Are you happy?" I palmed his face. Abhimanyu was getting mingled with Badi ma and whenever they both shared nostalgic moments, I had always witnessed a different kind of - longing and homely - happiness crossing over his face. Now when I think of the unfortunate incident happened with Vandana di, I stutter like a leaf.
If anything happens to my munchkin, I'll be dead...I don't even know how'll I survive. My hand instinctively flew to my belly and secured it. A relief coursed in me when I felt my munchkin.
"I am so happy. In fact, the word happy can't describe what I'm feeling and it's all because of you. Thank you, Shree." He spoke the words but his eyes had told me it way before than his lips. He reached out to swipe my tendril away from my face. My lips twitched up in a smile.
"Thank you so much for everything. I thought that...perhaps, I'll never be able to talk to her the same way." His head fell to my chest and he hugged me tightly, letting his insecurities out. I curled my fingers in his thick hair as he continued. "I thought she will never forgive me for the way I behaved and I couldn't say sorry to her because I wasn't feeling it. I don't regret what I did but then I couldn't see her in eyes because she probably would've hated me."
"She didn't, Abhi. She never hated you. Why did you hold it in your heart?" I hushed, kissing his hair and his grip around my midriff tightened. "Is this the reason you never stayed the night in Jaipur?"
He nodded wordlessly and I shook my head. "You're stupid. She doesn't have any reason to hate you Abhimanyu and you also don't have to feel guilty because Badi ma loves you so much. I know it and you know it too."
He peeked at me with such innocence over his face that he resembled a college go-er. I bet no one could say that he was a well grown twenty nine years old adult.
"I love you." My so devilishly handsome husband hushed over my heartbeat and pressed her lips, while his palm caressing my belly made me confuse whether the said words were to me or to our baby.
"I can't wait for you. baby girl." He added and I huffed. ESV glared me, 'You've been too easy on him and what's with this 'baby girl - baby girl' thing? Kick his ass and tell him it's my munchkin.'
I agreed with her. I had this really, really strong instinct that it was going to be a boy. Much to his horror, I'd mentioned that my munchkin would love me more than him and Abhimanyu looked heartbroken.
"And I love you too." Abhimanyu hushed over my lips so lightly that I would've missed it, had I not been attentive.

"Abhi!" I called, tapping the spoon on the plate impatiently and my feet doing waltz under the table. "Come soon yaar."
"There! There! I'm almost done." I heard him from the kitchen and dipped my chin in my hands. Abhimanyu was seriously making dinner for me and it was taking more than an hour. Manohar was helping him but when The Abhimanyu gets in kitchen, get prepared to be snubbed and glared because Mr. Perfectionist hate if you've not put the turmeric powder back to its place just after tossing it in frying pan, or if you've left the kitchen paper on the counter or if you've not put the diced vegetable - which anyhow is going to be mixed in the curry - in separate blocks.
To sum up, when Abhimanyu does cooking, you would feel as if you're on a cookery show and that's why I've always preferred to leave him alone in the kitchen after a few trials.
"Will I get food today or should I call up to the restaurant next door?" I'd been begun to get pissed.
"And here's Chef Abhimanyu's Special Dal - Makkhani." He emerged out of the kitchen with a grin plastered on his face and casserole in his hands.
"Finally!" I feasted my eyes upon the delicious Dal which was garnished with fresh coriander and cream. I showed my pearls as he settled beside me, not bothering to peel him off the apron and ordered Manohar to serve other dishes.
"Now taste!" He held a morsel before my mouth and I greedily ate it, savoring the taste. Abhimanyu was really a commendable chef. I winked at him, making the universal sign with my thumb and finger.
"Just it's a little less spicy." I commented and he rolled his eyes, making another morsel for me. "You aren't allowed of spicy food."
"And I hate beans too!"
"It's rich with magnesium and that will help in alleviating your leg cramps." sweet of him. Since I entered last trimester, my legs were swollen and heavy. If I so much as wandered two steps, I would sit down and rub my feet. Badi ma helped me with it as much as she could; she did massage with medicated oil and made me work less.
"Um...when will you eat if you'll keep feeding me?" I objected but opened mouth again and he fed me. "Just keep eating, I will eat after you."
"Nope!" I swatted off his hand when he covered his mouth, leaning back as I tore a morsel for him. I held it before his mouth and kissed his jaw. "Let's feed each other. It's been long time. Let's keep it as a date."
Showcasing a lopsided grin, he allowed me to feed him. We shifted closer and enjoyed our dinner. I rested my head upon his shoulder and made another morsel for him.
"Abhi!" I crooned, "You remember when we ate like this last time?"
"Mhmm....perhaps, three four months back." He tried to remember and held the rice before me. "Or perhaps before that."
"I missed it." I whimpered. "I miss our spot."
That private hideout was also one of those thousands precious things I'd to leave back in Jaipur and on my insistence, Abhimanyu managed to keel visiting it until his work hovered him. I too became busy with my works and finally now in a family way, we missed our hideout.
"I am sorry. I became too busy to take you there." He said softly, knotting my fingers with him. I peered at him, fanning his neck with my breath.
"Don't spoil me by saying sorry all the time. I can be a very, very bad girl." I whispered in his ear, tickling his sides.
"I forgot to ask, Shree, were you reading that book again?" He asked me with a condescending tone. I bit my cheeks to stop my smile. Abhimanyu was jealous of a novel and he was more jealous that I blushed each time I read the trilogy which was so not true. I blushed because I thought of him.
"Would you like if someone is reading about our sex life?" He bluntly had asked me once.
"You're simply jealous, Abhi!" I'd told him and then he didn't bother to deny. "Yes, I am. This thing is not going to go good with me that you're reading about a man who fucks all the ladies..."
"Anastasia only in the book."
"...that doesn't matter. I'm still not going to allow you to read about him. I am not ready to see you blushing with any other reason than me." He had clam me up with it.
"No. I am not reading that." I denied, getting up and he impeded me from clearing the table. He took our dishes and staggered to the kitchen. I followed him closely.
"I found that over bed. Don't read this kind of book. It's not healthy for baby." What an excuse! With no view to argue, I nodded in approbation.
"Is it, by any chance, not good for husbands?" I teased him, watching him intently as he scooped me up gently before asking Manohar to clean the table and dishes.
"Oh, it is way too injurious to husbands." He winked at me and padded to our bedroom. Carefully depositing me on the bed, he scooted closer and spooned me, welcoming the night fairy to wave her magic wand on us.

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