Chapter 1 Part 3 of 3

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Cam's POV:

"EWW! It got on me!" Mara screeched. She held her hoodie, like it was contemated. "I just bought this!"

I'm partnered with Ally, but Mara couldn't be serepated from her best friend and tagged along. "It's called sap, Mara. The most it'll do is make your hoodie sticky."

Wrong thing to say to her. She tossed the hoodie at Avery and narrowed her eyes. "Sap or no sap, my limited edition pink Sub-Digtial hoodie is ruined!" She flipped her hair, giving me a smuggle look. "Not that I execpt a poor loser like you to understand considering-"

"Mara!" Ally's stern voice got Mara's full attention. "Enough. I'll wash your hoodie it'll be fine."

Just like that, bratty Mara was gone. "Thanks Ally!" She hugged her best friend. "I knew I could count on you, unlike some people."

"Why are you looking at me?" Mr. Z just had to assign partners. I don't have the energy for this.

"You haven't started our project." She said seriously.

"I'm not your partner, Avery is. And even if I was, I wouldn't be doing all the work." I'm getting a migraine.

"Geez Cam, I didn't know you were this selfish." Did this bratty girl just call me selfish? "You'd really sepereate me from my best friend, just for some project? And than you won't even help us with it."

Know what, from now on I'm not going to stop Kya from ripping her a new one. "Careful Mara, I'm not your friend like Alexei is, nor will I spare you feelings like Lynn."

Unfazed, she gave a defiant look. "You seem to be under the impression I like you. Think again nerd boy." She flipped her hair, as she closed the distance between us. "The only reason I'm 'nice' to you is because you Alexei's best friend and you don't cause us trouble like Lynn and Kya."

"Mara." Ally said in a low voice. "Don't."

Mara gave a befliy peerved glare to the blond. "Don't what? Tell Cam how it is? Let him know his place? Or hurt his feelings?"

The mere sound of her voice is enough at this point to annoy me. Ususally I can ingore her rants, because the others deal with her. Let's face it, I'm the only one with no personal connection or grugde against this group. Alexei's friends with this bratty chick (note to self, have Alexei reevaluate some of his friendships), but rivals with Avery. Lynn is enemies with Avery, same as Kya is with Mara. I have and want nothing to do with them. I mostly stay out of things, because my friends can handle themselves. Doesn't mean I can't and won't sit back and let them say anything they want to me or my friends.

"Mara, go get your head examed." My calm voice didn't betray the annoyance and anger I felt. Better not to let Mara know how much she truly irrated me. "At the end of the day, I'm Alexei's best friend. Who do you think he'll side with between the two of us?" The look on her face revealed her uncertainty.

"You think your better than me, just because your 'best friends' with Alexei." She said this, as if she actually believe it.

"Believe what you want Mara. But sooner or later your going to drive him away with you brattiness and selfishness." There's no use arguing with idiots. To save myself from getting more of a headache, I started to leave.

"Nice going, Mar." Ally stated, "Now I'll gave to finish the assignment alone." Ally isn't one to lash out, but the irration could clearly be heard in her voice.

I paid no attention to the trio of nesenses. They've already wasted enough of my time. Mara dragged us around for almost an hour looking for a tanning spot. Even Ally was stunned by her friend's 'interesting' idea.

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders Season 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang