Chapter 13 Part 1

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The next day:

"Do you have any questions?" Cam watched Emi and Kya as they reviewed the data on the screen. Information on the screen displayed the four towers Emi needed to access along with a count down. When the count down ended, Xana would have access to the Tundra and Island sectors. Already growing stronger, they didn't know what else Xana would be able to do if he gained access to the new sectors.

Kya yawned. She gotten up at five am to meet Emi and Cam at the mansion. While Cam had explained the plan the day before, it'd been a simplified version. There were specific instructions the girls needed, espically if they were to avoid detection from Xana. "Will the clones be enough to fool Xana?" 

"Nope." Emi answered knowing the programs limits. The idea behind the clones was based on the guardians Xana had used on them previously. Limited in it's functions, they worked on simple commands. "We'll launch the clones before leaving each tower. The number of clones used will alert Xana to our presences. But should confuse him for a few hours at least."

"Just don't get caught and all's well." Cam stated, bring up the virtalitzation program. The girls made their way to the scanners where Cam would send them to Lyoko.


Kya's POV:

"Okay Cam, we've arrived." The landscape before us was barren and rockey. A narrow platform to the back of us and a forked path in front. The mountain sector was my second least favorited sector, right at the forest sector. Both sectors had narrow pathways, not ideal for my ice skates to fight off Xana's monsters. The desert and ice sectors were wide landscapes with few narrow pathways. Along with plenty of places to hide and outside certain tiny monsters.

"The first tower is do southeast once you enter the Tundra sector." Cam instructed. "I'll stay in the lab until you arrive at there." He must've sensed my unspoken request, because the cyberjet appeared before us.

"Don't worry about us and head back." Emi hopped onto the cyberjet behind me. She placed both hands on my waist, as we took off. "You'll draw more attention to us by not being in school. Remember the reason Kya was selected to come with me." 

Cam grumbled a bit, than gave in. "If I don't hear back from you guys after first period, I'm coming back to the lab."

"Relax general, we've got this. Not like Alexei who'd play around." I reassured him. This isn't our first recon mission. Only difference between this and the other ones was someone has always been in the lab to guide and support those on Lyoko. We're taking several risks today. What's one more?

The ride to the Tundra sector's entrance point was quiet. We surveyed the familiar landscape for any sign of monsters, but there wasn't so much as a kranlet. Mountains passed by, a reminder of the barren sector. When we arrived at the destination Cam had directed, a circluar path with a bounder at it's center.  

Emi hopped of the cyberjet to stand in front of the bounder. She held one hand out and closed her eyes. Unlike the other times she uses her manlipcation ability, she didn't speak or move. The ground began to rumble as a low hum came from Emi. A shimmering portal opened in front of her, in front of the bounder.

"Let's get going. Xana will notice the open pathway." Emi stated as she hopped onto the cyberjet.

"How'd you open the portal? Is it part of your abilities?" I questioned as the cyberjet took us inside the portal. A flash of light blinded us, than a calm blue sky greeted us. Much like the ice sector, the Tundra sector's landscape is icy and gives of the impression of freezing cold. However, the add of snow and frozen 'rivers' made the place appear colder than the ice sector. 

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders Season 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora