Chapter 3

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"Two weeks without an attack. Amazing!" Alexei cheered as he walked to the courtyard with the others. "We should enjoy this well we can."

"Don't get to execited Alexei, it just means he's planning something big." Kya said, but silently agreed with Alexei. In Xana's abesence, they've all been busy with other things. These peaceful days were needed.

"Don't ruin this for me." Alexei pouted. "This is my first free afternoon in weeks!"

Kya rolled her eyes. "This everyone's first free afternoon in weeks." She reminded him.

"Children calm down." Lynn greeted them, as they approached the bench he sat on. "We're all a bit antsy, since we haven't had any time to ourselves." Every afternoon, each one of them left directly for their after school activatives. They hadn't even had a chance to discuss what happened at the Hertimage or Emi's knowledge of the place.

"The important question is," Lynn paused for dramatic effect. "What are we going to do on this rare day off?"

"Movie martharon?" Alexei asked, hopeful.

"No." Kya and Lynn said in unison.

"When was the last time someone visited Emi?" Kya asked. "Let's head over to Kadic and surpise her."

Everyone but Cam agreed.

"I'm gonna head to the manison and check on the analysis." Cam turned to leave. "I'll meet up with you guys later."

As Cam left, everyone else headed for Kadic.


At Kadic:

Lynn's POV:

"Once we find Emi, we'll have enough time to make the ____ showing of _______." Alexei said, unware of Kya and I cringing.

"Calm down, Romeno." I slung my arm around Alexei's shoulder. "How about we ask Emi what she wants to do?"

"Yeah, not everyone likes watching movies as much as you." Kya smirked.

"Your just jealous of my awesome taste in movies." Alexei declared. "Only Emi can appericate my genius."

"Is that why she's been screaming every night?" Aelita and her friends approached us.

"What do you mean?" Kya asked, before I could.

"For two weeks straight Emi's been screaming each night." Aelita explained.

"Your overrating princess." Odd placed his hands in his pockets. "Emi already explained everything."

Aelita gave him a doubtful look. "You don't actually believe that story, do you?"

What's going on with Emi? She hasn't mentioned any thing about screaming. Could this be related to her visions?

"It's not that hard to believe, Aelita." Yumi interjected. "Have you seen the movies she watches?"

"Yeah," Ulrich agreed. "it's scary how bad they are."

"Hey!" Alexei chimed. "They are cintmatic master pieces." Leave it to him to miss the main point of this converstaion. When it comes to his movies, Alexei has a one track mind. Alexei's movie picks are usually a hit or a miss. Some of the movies he's suggested are really really good. Like, stop everything your doing and watch this now good. Other times, it's best to aviod them all together. These are the movies that are so bad, they make me want to actually spend time with Avery. And that's saying something.

"No Alexei, their really not." Kya gave Alexei a sympathic smile. "Back to Emi. Where is she?"

Odd shrugged, "She never came to our last class. We were looking for her before running into you guys."

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