Chapter 1: A New Dawn

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"These new vechicles are great! You've out done yourself, general!" Alexei execlrated the speed on his bike. The sleak metallic dual wheeled motorcycle was a modifed verison from the cyberpunk video game. It was one of three vechiles Cam created during Xana's inactively.

"Careful Alexei, it's only a prototype." Satasided the vechiles were stable enough for use, Cam checked on the girls. "How's the cyberjet?"

Kya caught up to the guys on her own vehcile. Modeled after a waterjet, the overall desgin was oval shape. Open on all sides, the front held a panel with a rectangle handle. The bottom allowed it to hover and skim over different surfaces. It's color, a metallic grey, reflected Kya's personal love of dark colors. "Flies like a dream."

Emi clung closer to Kya's waist as they movered around pillers of rocks in the derstor sector. "We'll arrive at towers much faster now. Any other surpises for us?"

Cam worked on a third vechile, a modifled hoverboard, from the data supplied from the other vechiles. It required more work, since it had the best freedom of movement while also being the fastest. "You'll find out"

A second bike sped pass the girls. An exepctize replica of Alexei's bike, this one was dark blue instead of black. "Race to the tower?" Lynn challenge Alexei.

Alexei answered with a smirk, as he drifted ahead of Lynn. Steering the bike right, Alexei road up a steep incline. Reviving the throttle, the bike sped off the incline's edge. A true daredevil, Alexei shifted his weight to flip the bike mid-air.

Lynn pulled back, allowing Alexei to land with a thump in front of him. "Stop showing off." The white how of a deactiaveted tower came into view. Getting closer to the otwer, Lynn suddenly stopped. He shouted a warning to Alexei, the tower was being guarded.

Alexei turned to tuntel Lynn, when he lost control of the bike. Seurouing to aviod crashing, he couldn't aviod the next laser. On the second hit, the bike insteadly devitarlized. "Cam, what is that thing?" Alexei moved to grab his sai, when another round of lasers assultd him. Seconds later, blue-white pixels drifted from Alexei's body as he faded away.

Kya circled behind the creature to lanuch herself off her vechile. "Freeze!" Before her hand connected, the creature rasied a long leg and swatted Kya to the side like a fly.

"Careful guys. It has a powerful laser." Cam searched the monster database he created for info on the new monster. "Emi, get to the tower."

A long torso supported on four legs, the creature's head was long and oval. Two back legs bent down, freeing the front ones for attack. Rapid laser fire hit the cyberjet, devitlazing it. Emi feel to the ground. Unable to defend herself, two more lasers came at her. Kya threw herself in the way, protecting Emi. Two more lasers later, she was devilized.

Emi continued to the tower, leaving Lynn to face the creature. Reviving the throttle, Lynn sped forward. "Does this thing have any weakness?" Lynn was on the defensive, weaving around to dodge lasers. Foused solely on the new monster, he failed to notice a second one approach. The two monsters made quick work of Lynn, devilzing him in sesconds.

They turned to follow Emi, but she'd made it inside the tower.


"Xana's been busy." Cam looked over the newly collected data. Not much had been gathered, only it's laser damage. "I'll finish completion of the vechiles."

"What are we going to call these things?' Lynn asked.

Alexei eargly waved his hand, "How about Crawlers? Or Oval Face?"

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