Chapter 12

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"How are you calm about this?" Alexei asked Cam. The group was inside Emi's dorm at Kadic discussing the events of the previous 'day'. Alexei and Kya were shocked that someone else had been on Lyoko with Emi and Lynn. Cam shared that during her arrival the supercomputer hadn't detected anything unusual.

"Panicking won't help or change anything." Cam stated. "I've had a program running scans while we were in class and nothing has appeared." He wasn't sure if the girl was a program or human. It was the latter he worried about. If she were human, that meant there was probably another supercomputer out there somewhere and an unknown person had access to it.

"She helped us, isn't there a change she's on our side." Emi suggested.

"I'm with Lynn on this one." Kya added. "She could be an advanced program created by Xana to get us to lower our guard."

"We can't rule anything out yet." Cam stated. "There's nothing aside from continuing to run scans that we can do without her prescenes. For now I'll set the supercomputer to alert us when someone other than us enters Lyoko. That's the best we can do."

"I still think your to calm about this." Alexei was the reckless on of the group, but even he could be cautious.

"It's like Cam said, we can't do much if she isn't around. The supercomputer didn't detect anything, thus for now she's not what we should concern ourselves about." Emi reassured Alexei. "It'd be something different if she accessed the mansion. Since we were all inside the lab or Lyoko when she appeared, that's not the case."

"Let's put this discussion on pause." Lynn suggested. "Cam did you finish?"

"Yup." During lunch Cam checked the updates he made to the supercomputer. With the matrtialztion data Emi retrieved from Sector 5, they could be devirtizlated from Sector 5 without worry now. "We're all set for the next adventure to Sector 5."

"We're going back already?" Kya asked.

Emi shook her head. "No, now that we know Xana's execepting us to visit again. We thought it best to wait a few days. Don't want to be ambushed again." That was how Kya and Alexei had been devirtiazed during their mission in Sector 5. Xana had been on step ahead of them.

"In the mean time we'll focus on Tundra and Island sectors." Cam stated. "Which works out since there's a more pressing matter we need to attend to there." After anazlying the data from the day before, Cam came to a conclusion, Alexei's theroy might be right.

"Did you find another key?" Lynn stopped strumming his guitar to join the converstion.

Cam shook his head, "No, but the data you guys collected shows it's highly possbile."

Kya's mouth dropped. "You mean Alexie was right? Say it ain't so."

"Hey!" Alexei chimmed. "I resent that."

The other day, Alexei theorized that in the three hidden sectors, there could be more keys. This would also mean Xana could be after them. It wasn't much, but it was the first solid lead they had in a while.

"So, how do we fully confirm the exeistion of more keys?" Emi asked.

"You guys go back to those sectors and help Emi access data from four towers. This will allow me direct access to the sectors. I'll be able to find more information ." After finding the Island and Tundra sectors, Cam had tired to access them from the supercomputer to obtain more data. However, he discovered these sectors were blocked for some reason.

"Why four towers? There's only two sectors?" Lynn asked.

Cam pulled up an old version of the holo-map on Emi's computer. "This is the Lyoko we're all familiar with." He added the two newest sectors over top. "The Island and Tundra sectors are both twice as big as the other four."

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