Chapter 11 Part 2

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Lynn sat in the library with Mr. C. The school's nurse was on detention duty, monitoring him and several other students. Time ticked by slowly as Lynn served the first of several detention. He'd much rather be on Lyoko with everyone else. However, he'd have to return to his dorms immediately at the end of detention. He'd remain there for the rest of the night.

"Mind if I get another book?" Lynn asked the nurse. "I wanna get ahead start on my report." Unlike other students who slept or read whatever they found in the library, Lynn used the time productively. After finishing his homework, he studied a bit. Keeping to himself and not causing problems, Mr. C. let him roam the library without complacate. Where as other students' tried to sneak out or use their phones.

Lynn wondered to the other side of the library looking for the book he needed. He found the book when his phone vibrated. Seeing Cam's name, he ducked between some shelves to answer. "Cam? Is there an attack?"

"We need you. Kya and Alexei are trapped within a digital limbo. They can't return to earth." Cam explained. "Emi's trapped in Sector 5 alone. We can't do anything until you get here."

"I want to help Cam, but I'm still in the library. I won't be able to sneak away." Lynn checked his watch to see there was still an hour until detention ended. "Best I can do is wait until we can return to the dorms and leave from there."

"We can't wait that long." Cam racked his brain for ideas. Lynn could leave, but that risked him getting caught or leading to harsher punishment. It'd be pointless for Lynn to leave then, they'd be down a Defender. "

Cam thought of an idea. It wasn't a good one, but it would allow Lynn to sneak away. "The fire alarm should be near the back of the library."

"You want me to pull it, don't you." Lynn finished before Cam could. "You do realize if this doesn't work, I'll be in more trouble."

"You'll be fine." Cam reassured. "The old was faulty and kept going off. When they installed the new fire alarm, they never took out the old one or deactivated it."

"In other words, Mr. C will realize it's a false alarm. Best case is he'll us back to our dorms early because of the alarm, while the worst is me getting caught and receiving additional punishment." Lynn thought about each scenario, but his mind was already made up. Being cautious would be pointless if something happened Alexei, Emi, and Kya got. That thought in mind, he pulled the fire alarm then bolted for his seat. The deflective device wouldn't go off right away. Part of it's issues were it's delayed reaction time and inconsistent activation. Students and staff were use to this and the random pauses in-between the ringing.

"Fine let's do it." Lynn peaked from between the book shelves to see Mr. C's scolding two students caught on their phones. "I'll call you once I'm on my way to the mansion." Hanging up, he quickly made his way to the back of the library. Sandwiched between two bookshelves was the one fire alarm. Lynn pulled the handle, expecting the alarm to sound. Silence greeted him. 

"Right, delayed reaction." Lynn used the time to make his way back to his seat. There he quietly packed his books away, waiting for the alarm. The moment he closed his bag a loud siren went off. 

Mr. C looked up from the book he'd been reading and rolled his eyes. "Thought they'd replaced that faulty alarm." Use to the buggy device, he instructed the students head back to their dorms. He monitored the students, making sure none remained inside the library.

Lynn silently followed the other students, pretending to head for the dorms. Once they were out of Mr. C's sight, Lynn ducked into the forest. Following the path for the thousandth time, he made his way to the entrance tunnel in the center. There he sent a message to Cam letting him know he was on his way. 

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